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RE: Mid-Week Musings: Fevers

in #sick7 years ago

I'm with you on the flu shot. I had my daughters early day vaccines given for the measles/menegitis as they are known to be ripe killers if kids catch them. After that the nursery and then school have sent out consent forms for her to have the yearly flu jabs and I have declined each time. Although on the letter it stated it was our choice we have been called in twice and interrogated (or at least it felt like interrogation) by the doctor and school about why we have chosen not to take the "voluntary" flu jab. Needless to say this year at least 70% of her class mates came down with the flu and had around 4 days of each, she had a slight cold and went back in a day. Sometimes we have to trust our bodies to build up it's own immune system to ward of illnesses.