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RE: Rainbow Man's SHTF Predictions 4/10/19; Is Steemit going down...?

in #shtf6 years ago

Until the witnesses stop their servers we are doing just fine.
I plan to diversify a little and hold on for the moonshot.
This money for nothing is bound to take off as more folks figure out how to manage keys.


Yes moon after the 800% recover that is needed YoYSmartSelect_20190410-183903_Blockfolio.jpg

Lol, it's a looooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnggggggggggg game?

We are early adopters on a near perfect chain.
Don't let the day to day drama take your eye off the ball.

3 second transaction times, free transactions, limited coin supply(only 1 per legal us resident), no wasted electricity, pretty good community, lots of true beliebers(though we are losing those), 'free' to get paid to play, 'earn' while you learn, and a chance to change how people relate to each other?

Hard to beat those.

Just keep beating your drum, you got a good thing going.
Your audience will find you when they get here.

Or, if somehow steem survives... precious steem and sbd will be worth Jack when 2.0 launches.

Read @ned and his alter ego @god

Steem is open source software.
Ned doesnt control it.
If we had had some snappier witnesses we would have forked ned out and handed him his hat.
That will be harder now that he is on notice and locking in his influence with this steemalliance debacle.

If stinc ever makes that software run on commodity servers like they say, a fork will restore the balance to the math and then we can squabble over what to call the coin.

Either way, the earliest adopters will come from this community.

Steemit is going down. Too many asshats. What part of how inactive people are now don't you understand? Asshole Bernie is even one of these asshole witnesses. He's the one that started these flagging wars. I bet more people have left Steemit just because of him. And there are tons of others like him.

Nah, that steem-engine is going to make us all rich.
Remember erc20 ico's last year?
SE's will be vetted by lawyers.

Hundreds of millions of dollars go through those things.
We've only got 300m steem total.
The price is going up, at some point.

Nobody gives a damn about bernie, he is just pushing out the weak hands.