Mushroom Growing Out Of Old Pants!

in #shrooms7 years ago

Everybody check out these strips of my old pant that I composted last year!
Some strain of mushrooms are growing roots in my old black jeans!
These pictures demonstrate mushrooms love growing in broken down clothing material.
download (1).jpeg
What a great alternative to throwing away clothes! And the shrooms will eat the jeans completely! :)
Qmb9uLoVjR49DqjbsymJujBrSU3ugHjqU9cUnHwztjWzn8 (1) (1).png
ice_screenshot_20180715-180459 (1) (1).png


This is really interesting, never seen this before.

Posted using Partiko Android

THanks! I reburied the mushroom roots buy some old cardboard so they should sprout! :)

I was wondering if you reburied the roots. Now can you eat these mushrooms!

Posted using Partiko Android

They Could Be Morels Or Shiitake.