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RE: If Reality Is A Simulation, Who Is Its Architect?

Yes I believe this theory is plausible, they say at the rate of our creation of virtual universes (VR as it is today, compared to the first ever video games) there is bound to be a time that we reach perfect simulation, where the characters in that virtual reality have full consciousness and are not aware of the fact that they are a simulation. So there could be either a very advanced alien species that are running experiments like you said, or it could very well be future humans trying to understand their own selves by emulating an entire world of new humans to see how they behave adapt and evolve to certain situations.
Very interesting stuff...


Maybe when we die our so called spirit progresses to a different physical being or body.This would be given that should we progress according to the evolution of the universe. If you believe in reincarnation, it might be possible that a person is reincarnated as another being or species further along a specific spiritual path I guess I could say. Maybe each species in the universe exists on a different spiritual plain and the life you live now will determine the outcome of your next existence, species ect.... on this earth or elsewhere....

That is bound to happen. Our computing power is just increasing exponentially and virtual reality is just in its infancy right now and already producing great results. Also we are already running several simulations on the world's supercomputers for various purposes.

Just imagine the possibilities when the power of a supercomputer could be put inside a personal computer thanks to quantum computing and when that is combined with the ability to create virtual worlds, even kids would be able to create worlds of their own. Now, being able to create conscious beings in those world is a different matter.