DTUBE Film Summary
The Movie "Show Dogs" is defintely a pedophile grooming children's movie made by Hollywood. This entire movie is basically teaching children to accept sexual abuse by disassociating into a "zen state". This is basic in your face grooming of children by Hollywood a place full of pedophiles.
My tweet about this movie:
Review of "Show Dogs": https://foreverymom.com/arts-entertainment/dog-show-movie-review-grooming/
Show Dogs Movie: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5691024/
Proof that YouTube is hammering my view count, see the difference in these screenshots:
P.S. Major development in the Seth Rich / Shawn Lucas case made by Brian Richmond. DNC paid Crowdstrike 97K and 100K the day after each one was killed:
Honeybee then confirmed it: ~~~ embed:998666215735296002 twitter metadata:VGhlSG9uZXliZWVffHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL1RoZUhvbmV5YmVlXy9zdGF0dXMvOTk4NjY2MjE1NzM1Mjk2MDAyfA== ~~~
Will cover at noon, along with the developments in Syria.
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