I'm currently assuming the narrator character looked like one of my players last night when he met an "insane" child character (who is probably slightly insane but is mostly just 5) and her "imaginary friend" (whom he of course couldn't see) but then found out that one of the other player characters could XD
As I was about to break all-time running records.
LoL! Concern/fear will do that to a person XD

I was going for something similar but later the idea mutated and it is going in a very different direction...
Let's see if I can pull it off. :-)
My brain is going too fast for me to catch up. But the time I write something. It barely makes any sense... LOL!!!
Alway a pleasure to read your comment. :hugs:
If you can't force your brain to slow down a bit or at least hold on to thoughts while you're writing, try dashing bullet points first and writing later?