My past experience

in #shortstory7 years ago


I do not know what else to do, my own body feels more and more helpless, how to get away? Behind may have to be as powerful as possible.Pain in the joints, aches and pains mixed almost throughout the body, especially on the feet of his fingers, tingling in both legs until numbness, headaches unbearable, nausea that culminated, the stomach was stirred not stirred. Plus the odor is quite piercing nose, because there is not enough ventilation.So it is ascertained, in this narrow room that is only 2x3 meters in size I can not think straight or find the idea to get out of this place.

All I can do is just keep praying and not let myself faint, though it seems impossible, because gradually my energy is getting thinner, and that potentially makes me unconscious.The choice of life and death seemed to be in sight. The guardian of death as if ready to watch.

I do not know how many hours I was left in this dirty and stuffy room. Until finally as hard as I could, sleepiness came to me, I could no longer reject it, and made me successful asleep.I do not know how long I slept in a sitting position with my hands and feet still tied up, while my head leaned against the smelly and rough walls.

Until finally, I woke up to hear no footsteps. With anxiety, my heart pounding, and my head was still dizzy, I kept staring at the door."Check out!" The sound of the swinging door algae was clear, the door gateway moving, slowly the door opened from outside the room.

I saw someone else, a tall, medium-bodied man. From his stature he was younger, and his skin was whiter. Yes, this guy is a different man.

"Who else is he?" I asked inwardly.

He stood and watched me carefully.his face is also covered in a face cover, so I can not recognize it. Slowly he crouched down in front of me. My breath is getting hotter, and I'm really scared.

"God help!!!" My heart yelled. My eyes closed with fear, because shift backwards can not. The room is really narrow. A few minutes later, the only sound of my breath hunting.I felt the straps on my legs loose and I could move them. Though it made me have to wince because of the numbing tingling effect.

I opened my eyes slowly. It turned out that the rope bond had been released from my feet. Want to take me where else I? My body is very weak. I looked at her closely, again just adding a question in my mind.who is he? I can only smell his scented body, unlike the man.

Not long afterward, keeping silent the man turned my body, and unbuckled the rope in my hand slowly not as roughly as before.

I tried to watch him again, but I could not really guess who this mysterious man was in front of me.the man also wore black clothes, black t-shirts and jackets with gloves on both hands made of leather and also black.

"Who?" I asked softly while staring at him. I dared to ask a question.

But he remained silent, did not answer a word. He chose to help me up, even though I was a little staggering.he holds my hand tightly, and slowly guides me out of the musty room. Hand grip that feels familiar, strong and warm hand grip. Ahh maybe because I was too tired I was hallucinating unclear.

He kept guiding me slowly, and took me out of the house.

After opening the main door, everything looks dark.I was more afraid and chose to hold tight to his hand, for some reason I did not think to run away. My intuition seemed to say he would not do evil. Besides where to run, I do not recognize this place at all. Seconds he took out the flashlight, lit it, pulled my arm and led me to a pickup truck.

"Come in!" The command is firm.somehow hearing his disguised voice, I felt he was not a stranger to me. After I got in the car, he also went in and runs his car at a fairly high speed, but not to make my head bump.I did not know where I was and where it was, everything still looks dark everywhere, just the lights of the car lighting the way, ahead.

Fear back haunted my feelings. Bad thoughts start coming. Could be I want to throw away.or taken to another place more sinister, killed in the forest maybe? I grabbed my pants, trying to be as calm as possible, but the more I tried to calm myself the more fear in my heart.

We passed the cobbled streets maybe about 30 minutes.then the streets become stable and straight asphalt along with my really weak body that keeps me back asleep, and can not remember anything else.


The cold air in the morning woke me up. As I began to open my eyes. Sunlight peeking behind the curtain warms some of my face. So it makes me squint.

"Where am I?" I mumble. I looked body was lying in a small room with a bed of iron and a white berprei mattress. My hand is back painful because of the needle infusion.

"Are you awake?" A nurse asked me.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You're in the hospital.a young man takes you here, and gives your family contact, we have contacted your family. "The nurse replied, then went away.

"Youth? Who?" I asked softly.

"We do not know, he went straight"

My mind went directly to the man who let me go, the mysterious man of my savior.Who is he? Why let me go? when he was clearly part of the kidnappers.

The plausible possibility is that father approves of the covenant they ask and I am released. Hopefully the covenant is not an agreement that is not too burdensome father. I would feel guilty if my father sacrificed again for me."God who the man is, why does it feel so familiar, is he? No-no!" I shook my head myself.

"It could be that I just missed her too much. It's impossible to get criminal, no way!even though what Arobi's father says is most likely true "My mind continues to think endlessly, the pain in my body, the stomach in my soles, is completely ignored, who is it? It's a question that goes around in my head 1 hour goes by, after a nurse who took care of me was gone.Micheal suddenly came and startled me, his panic and his noisy voice made me instantly dizzy.

"are you okay, what is sick, what side?" Micheal grabs my arm, checks my temperature, sees the soles of my feet whose blood dries up.he immediately hugged me tightly until I had difficulty breathing and certainly felt pain when his body scratched my wound.

"Micheal ..." I yelled, a little stifled. I tried to release the hug.

"I'm sorry, I'm so worried about you, tell me how it started, why are you like this? Said Micheal with a fast rhythm.I can only sigh, not be given a chance to speak. "Got it?" I asked.

"Sorry-sorry" Said Micheal.

"Father same mother?" I asked Micheal. I missed Steve and Mother Aira very much.

"They are taking care of this to the police, because it is obvious that this is a kidnapping plan that is not done by ordinary groups.when I got a call from someone who claimed to be an employee and told me about the state of the cafe, I was really very panicked, but what happened, the cafe was fine. No gas leak. And strangely when I asked who was calling me they said they did not call at all. "Micheal began to explain."Aunt Aira, too, at the boutique, suddenly there was an angry buyer, because the shirt she was trying to tear, Aira's mother had to take care of it, so she was late to the hospital to see you.Is not all that accidental accidental coincidence," Micheal returned continuing his speech while wandering, trying to relate events that did seem odd."Apparently so, I was unconscious after the nurse gave me a syringe which he said was vitamins, but it seemed like an anesthetic because I was instantly asleep and when I woke up suddenly there was a dark and dirty building empty." This time I started to explain what which I experienced.

"Who's the mastermind of all this?" Ask Micheal.

I shook my head slowly. "I do not picture at all. "

"Son, I can finally see you again ..." Dad hurried over to me. Tears dripped behind his condensed glasses.

"I'm fine .." I tried to calm him down. Steve's father immediately hugged me gently and kissed my forehead.

"Tell me what happened, son?" Ask father.Father is not alone, he is with two policemen accompanying him. But Mrs. Aira did not participate.

"Mother is at home with Ina son, actually she just keeps coming but after father think safer him at home, there is 24 hour police guard, so father is more calm" Dad said still in a trembling voice.

"Tell all the cops." Dad advised. Two police who with my father walked closer to me. Slowly I told him what happened including when I was released until I fell asleep and was suddenly in the hospital.


I forced my father to take me home soon, honestly I did not want to stay in the health center or hospital. There is a sense of shock. I feel more comfortable when I'm home.After successfully referring to the doctor at the hospital, then I was allowed to go home and escorted by two police accompanying father.

"This is milk kid ..." Mother approached me who was half lying in the room. I was still a little bit of a man who let go of me and took me to the hospital.

"Thank you mom .." I replied softly and back to daydreaming.everything is like a dream, the gripping event is a bit much still cause the fear if being alone.

"What are you thinking?" asked mother Aira sat in front of me after putting milk on my desk. I cross my legs, sigh, but it feels more pain, so I straighten it out again.

My feet are still slightly afternoon."Mom, did Steve's father have any enemies?" I asked softly. This time the mother sighed, and I looked closely. He justified his sitting position.

"Well, that's a shame, if that's what you do not know, Daddy's trying to work well and not hurting anyone.You know exactly what your father is like, so there's no mother.but we can never control the minds and hearts of others. Any good person will always have someone else who does not like it. It could be in front of us praising, behind talking ugliness. Or act like a friend in front of us but stabbing from behind.that's what, let alone the business world, the competition will always be there, small business, big business there must be people who are jealous and dislike, or feel unrivaled "Mom issued a wise sentence, but did not answer the question clearly." "I asked myself again.

The End...

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