Forgive me from my heart

in #shortstory7 years ago


"I like you ..." she whispered hoarsely in the curve of Rena's neck. The girl shuddered by Jay's warm breath that burned her soul and heart to ashes.

Jay turned Rena's body. Forcing the girl to look at her. Jay's hands were holding Rena's shoulders. Staring at her closely. "I like you, Rena ..." She said in a soft voice.

"What?" Rena said softly full of suffering.

Jay pressed Rena on the shoulder, kissed her softly on the lips. Rena could not do anything when Jay kissed her suddenly. His body was too stiff and unable to react to push Jay away. Both eyes of Rena just spelled. His hands grabbed Ray's shirt tightly.

"I told you not to put that face up again." Asked Jay slowly. He caught the shock in both eyes of Rena.the girl seemed shocked to hear her words.

"What do you mean?" Rena looked at Jay in bewilderment. The sentence that Jay was saying was the one the man always said to Ria Marell. And...

"You still do not understand?" Jay smiled thinly. However, Rena responded with a sharp gaze.

"You ... You know who I am? I this is impossible." Rena stepped just seeing a horrible ghost. He looked at Jay full of horror.

"Rena ... Listen to me first."

"Since when did you know, I'm Ria Marrel?" Ask Rena, she avoids it when Jay tries to touch it. "Since when?!" He shouted hysterically. "Ever since you heard my conversation with Jeane that night, or when you were in my hotel room that morning or ...or ... "Rena's voice was soaked by sadness.

"Long before I approached you, I overheard your conversation with Sara on the school roof, and from that moment on, I know you and Ria are the same person."

"No, it's impossible.All this is impossible." Rena shook her head helplessly. Stare at Jay in disbelief. He keeps dodging as Jay tries to get close or touch him."No, do not touch me!" He shouted hysterically.

"Rena, I know you're angry, I do not mean to hide it from you."

"You've been lying to me! From the beginning, when you suddenly approached me, you've lied to me ... By being nice to me as Rena, and being rude to Ria, you hurt me, make me like a crazy person who feels sad when you're cool to Ria, whereas you're so gentle with Rena. "Rena's tears flowed in. Her blue eyes were sad." You know I love you so much. But you're playing with my feelings and making me look like a stupid do not know how hurt I was when you did not contact Ria and continue to pay special attention to Rena. When don't touch me. "He brushed Jay's hand as he touched his arm.

"No," whispered Jay, "I never intended to play with you, it just happened, I was rude to Leanne.and I know I've hurt a lot of you. "

"You know, I always think about the reason why you hate Ria so much, why are you always being rude to him, and why you never behave, I think I'll miss the chance to be close to me, but every time I think you're being nice to Rena , my heart is always hurt ...I thought, in my double life, I could never have a chance to love you, close to you as myself. And..."

"Rena, you're wrong.."

"Traitors, you're all the same." Rena narrowed her eyes. "It's stupid of me to believe in someone like you who just wants to play with me.from the beginning, you've planned all this, to hurt me, to ruin me. "Rena shook her head helplessly.

"I'm trying to tell you the truth at the right time."

"There will never be a good time for both of us ... Never come near me again Never come to me again.because I do not want to know a cruel person like you. "Her eyes fixed on Jay, the look of disappointment and the deep pain Rena's heart had felt The girl had been ruined for the second time, devastated by the man she loved so much.

"Rena ..."

"Stop calling my name.For someone who has hurt me, you have no right to call my name like that! I hate you, Jay every breath I have. I will never want to know anyone like you in my life. Never. "Rena shouted, then smiled grimly." No more love I have for you. No more names, Jay Laren in my heart. "


Rena turned, walked away from Jay. The move stopped as the man opened his voice.

"I love you..."

Rena smiled grimly."Do not say love to someone you can not even keep his heart in. Do not make anyone hurt because of the painful love you have for him." Rena turned to look at Jay. "You know, Jay ... Much more painful when you like people with a sincere heart, but that person just abuses the love you have.especially when she's so confident in you. "He then turns to leave Jay silent in his place.

Time passed very quickly. Rena and Jay no longer greet each other. No sound, no chats, no greeting, or throwing a glance at each other. Everything was back to normal as before Rena and Jay became close friends.

Some of their friends were confused to see the attitude of Jay and Rena that changed like people do not know each other. However, as time went on. They seemed to think what had happened in the past was a stupid mistake Jay had made. And the man had realized, that Rena is not a suitable girl to be a friend or a lover.


The morning was very sunny. Rena sitting on the back corner of the table, staring straight ahead of the class. Master came to greet all the students. Told the announcement that a transfer student would be their new friend. All seemed happy and cheered.

When the teacher invites new students to classroom door, displaying a handsome man with brunettes, there was a dimple on his right as he smiled.

"Introduce yourself." The teacher's orders.

"My name is Hydran Madkinz, moving from Malaysia, and I love to be friends with beautiful girls ..." She said smiling seductively.his green eyes sparkled as he saw some girls screaming hysterically at the temptation he was saying. Her eyes fixed on the figure of the girl sitting like a statue in the corner of the back table.

Rena is like losing oxygen when the green eyes look at her sharply. There are thousands of rocks that fall on them until they can not move at all.his head bowed, distracting his eyes from the green eyeballs that drowned himself at the bottom of the sea.

Jay captures Rena's change of attitude. His eyes glanced at the new student with a dislike face. Did Rena know her? He thought to himself.

"You're sitting at that table." The teacher told Hydran to sit at the back table parallel to Jay's desk, Rena, and one other student.

Hydran to the empty table. Put his bag on the table. His head turned sideways, staring straight at Rena who bowed his head.

Jay glanced sideways at Hydran's figure from afar. Seeing the new student continue to cast his gaze on Rena."Okay! We'll start the lesson on page 208, about ..." The teacher starts writing the title of the material on the blackboard and explains the subject matter.

Rena leaves her desk when the lesson is over. Several girls appeared to Hydran's desk as the man was about to get out of the chair. They look liked Hydran who has a tall and handsome face.

"Rena, wait." Jay grabbed Rena's arm as she was about to leave the classroom. "We need to talk ..." Rena brushed aside, Jay rudely. Stare at him sharply and before he leaves. Jay cursed under his breath, glanced sideways and glared at Hydran watching the incident. Jay went away.

"Looks like they're having a fight ..." Mita murmured.

"They're lovers?" Ask Hydran.

Mita shrugged her shoulders, "I do not know, they're obviously very close, but lately they do not seem to be talking to each other, maybe they're arguing." Obviously Mita.

Hydran looked toward the door, where Rena and Jay left, then turned to Mita.

"Do you know her?" Ask Mita. Either aimed at Jay or Rena.

"No." Hydran replied, shaking his head.

"Do not bother, Rena again." Firmly Jeane. His arms crossed across his chest. Staring sharply, Jay looked like an angry male lion. Jeane watched Jay and Jeane as he leaned against the back wall of the school.

"Why should I obey your blessing?" Cynical Jay.

Jeane snorted, "You know how much you hurt him, you lied to him about the truth about you knowing your true identity, Rena.You also toyed with Rena and Lenane as if they were different people, and you know they're the same people." Jeane's eyes narrowed. "You've hurt too much, Rena us, and we'd better stay away from not disturb him anymore. Or.."

"Or what?" Jay interrupted Jeane's words. Stepped up to Jeane.

Jeane's face hardened, holding his temper. jeane who realizes it comes close, Jeane does not let his sister hit Jay.

"Take control of you, Jeane." Jeane said, reminding.

"Until whenever, I will never succumb to get the heart, Rena matter I have to try to die. I will not let go, Rena ... "Jay said, staring at Jeane and Jeane in turn.

"He will not come back to you, because he's really hurt." Jeane open the sound. His words sounded relaxed, but pierced Jay's heart.

"Rena loves me ..."

"In the past, before you betrayed him.and at any time, you will continue to make him hurt by betraying him. "Ask Jeane." Ask yourself, is my statement true or false? "

Jay paused, his hands clenched in anger. "It will not happen."

"Say it to yourself, and make yourself do it right, or else I will not remain silent until you hurt, Rena again.remember it well. "Jeane firmly taps Jeane's shoulder to take his sister away from it, and Jeane does it without protest.

Thanks For Reading My Writing

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