A Stoner's Struggles in the Early 2000's


In the dimly lit streets of a small suburban town in 2005, Mike, a laid-back stoner with a perpetual craving for a good high, found himself on a mission. His stash had run dry, and the only way to satisfy his urge was to venture into the underground world of illicit drug deals.


With a sense of determination fueled by desperation, Mike navigated through the labyrinth of alleyways and backstreets, his senses heightened by the anticipation of scoring some weed. As he approached the designated meeting spot, a dilapidated parking lot behind an abandoned warehouse, a sense of unease crept over him. This wasn't his usual dealer; this was someone new, someone shady.


Standing under the flickering streetlight, Mike exchanged cautious glances with the dealer, a scruffy-looking figure shrouded in shadows. With a brief exchange of cash and a small package discreetly handed over, Mike hastily made his exit, his heart pounding with a mixture of relief and paranoia.


As he made his way back home, the weight of the illicit transaction hung heavy on his mind. But as soon as he stepped through the door of his dingy apartment, all thoughts of apprehension faded away, replaced by the comforting embrace of his favorite pastime: getting high.


After a few tokes from his makeshift bong, Mike felt the familiar wave of euphoria wash over him, sending him into a state of blissful relaxation. But as the hours passed and the munchies kicked in, Mike realized he had another dilemma to face – his barren fridge.


With a case of the munchies gnawing at his insides, Mike swung open the refrigerator door, only to be met with a disappointing sight. A carton of week-old juice and a moldy platter of leftovers greeted him, offering no solace to his growling stomach.


Defeated but undeterred, Mike resigned himself to the fact that his quest for satisfaction would have to continue another day. As he settled in for a night of stoned introspection, he couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of his situation – a stoner on a perpetual journey for the perfect high, constantly thwarted by the mundane realities of life. But for now, he would make do with what he had, relishing in the simple pleasure of being stoned and content, even in the face of an empty fridge.