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RE: BDC Shorts: Prompt of the Week! [Week 2]

in #shorts2 years ago (edited)

Well well, that was something!! Um I think I came out with something too. @sarashew @drivingindevon lemme know I'm spoiling your story or not :3

You slowly started to walk towards the light. The closer you were to the light, the hope of your survival rose like a spire. Coming towards the pub, it feels like none was here for ages! Weeds and dandelions crept all over the front yards, poles, and staircase covered with trailing ivy. The supremacy of nature was quite visible on that faded yellowish wall of the pub where it almost turned into a sap green. Though you thought it would be an abortive attempt, you decided to have a peek through that rusty wooden door. Slowly it opened with a cranky sound, and unexpectedly you saw a shabby mid aged man sitting on a tanned coffee table, slowly he turned around and looked for the source of the sound. Seeing another soul, you were like a drawing man caught at a straw. But his lustful look made your heart skip a beat.
You swayed on your feet and took a few tottering steps, then started to run backward. Coming to the yard with a restless heart you saw something that you never expected before...

Ok now @zayedsakib @notacinephile @surrealfia @annabeth, it's your turn!! 😁


ehmmmm.... umm umm okie la...

Why? Why him?

The face that haunts me in my nightmares is now facing me; standing a few feet away under the fluorescent light.

How the hell is he here?

So many questions flood my mind but each of them is unanswered. I still try to convince myself that it's not him. Maybe my eyes are betraying me. There's no way he was there, it's impossible.

He was dead. He really was, right?

As if he felt me staring at him, he looks at me - his face is blank. But why? Why was he here? Or, is it that he has come to find me? I take a step back. No, no, some stuff should just stay in the nightmares - my sins are one of them, where he belongs. Did he just jump out of my nightmares? Dead don't walk among the living.

And I was sure I had killed him... so sure...

@sarashew @drivingindevon whatchu gonna do?

Fearful of the retribution from the eerie figure of the apparition that arguably had no right to present itself in front of me, albeit the right-wingers would perhaps call it an apt work of vengeance, I made a quick reach out for the nearest door to veer in—in short, I ran and got into the pub I just left.
The inside of the pub is changed drastically, there's a crowd in there now, nigh-silent buzzing is coming from them, chitter chatter all around. And behind the bar counter, there's a middle aged woman, with a feisty look on her face. She is a tough-looking mean dame yet had a warm feeling to her eyes. She signaled me to take a seat and while I slowly approached the table, cautiously looking over the room, and taking in the details—she brought me a coffee. The room, this pub cannot be the place I was just a minute ago, yet I am so certain I reentered the same pub. The decorations and the time period of those decorations are all wrong. The people are a mixed lot, red, white, yellow, brown, black, men, women—strangely though there are no kids or old people. A few of them looked at my direction, and quickly averted their gaze. However, sipping my nearly perfect coffee, which was actually an amusing thing as I never seem to get good coffee in pubs, I can still feel their gazes.
Suddenly I overheard something. There is supposed to be a convergence of something somewhere. The time has to be right, otherwise, things would go wrong. I lean forward...intent on hearing some more...

You can go ahead and continue @zayedsakib @r-nyn