Anisto's short stories : Rabbitty the Rabbit-Knight

in #short7 years ago

One summer night, when I was drowning into the depth of darkness to the world where I am the protagonist of my own, I made a wonderful dream and couldn’t wait until the morning to tell it to my dear friend, so I hurried to my computer and started writing down my story to her.
Long time ago, in a world where magic and sorcery were practiced in the greatest secret of all times, a lonesome princess was living in an outstanding castle deep in the shady edges of woods. Sadly for her, the princess that once had seen her beauty spoken of throughout the lands, poets writing tomes filled to the brim with sonnets and limericks devoted to her beauty, and the artists filling entire galleries with paintings and sculptures trying desperately to capture her near perfect form, had all disappeared, she was no longer a princess to her people. She was just a witch living in a dark and gloomy forest far away, banished from her kingdom. No one but only her knew the truth. She was the only one to know that her kingdom is being fooled by a witch that once has taken away from her, both her nobility and kingdom with a wicked and evil spell to curse her by losing all of her fame so that now, it belonged to the witch.
The princess was lonely and couldn’t do much. She was desperately roaming in her tremendous castle reflecting about what her life has become, when suddenly, she decided to go out and let herself wander in the dangerous woodwind, she was flattened and wretched, it is just at the moment when a gloomy feeling has surrounded her, making her wish for a better life, that she has seen the most aesthetic thing in the world. In front of her was a rabbit covered with the purest white fur that the nature could make. It was an intruder for her; it was a dot of beauty in a dark place. She approached the sweet and beautiful rabbit carefully lest he would flee and stroked his fur surprised, because long were the last time she has touched such softness. She instantly fell in love with it and took him without further delay to her castle, nourished him and adopted him. He was now her only friend and has named him Rabbitty. She told him her secrets, her fears, her sorrow and her misery.
One day, when coming back to her home with food for her new friend Rabbitty, she was shocked to notice that he was no longer here. Her only friend has left her behind. She didn’t lose hope and waited for him hours, the hours became days, and the days became years. And still, she didn’t forget him yet.
One dusky morning, a knocking has opened her ocean blue eyes. Someone was knocking on the enormous door of the manor. The princess ran out from her bed, exited and scared at the same time about who it might be. At her great astonishment, it was a graceful gentleman asking her for help. Long were the last time the princess has made an acquaintance, hence she didn’t know what to answer, but proceeded to accept his request and invited him in her manor. He and the princess then had a long interesting talk about themselves. And the princess was agape to the story of that gentleman who was in fact a prince that had seen his kingdom taken away from him by some awful, trashy and terrible creatures who invaded his lands. And now he was seeking for support to regain his kingdom and assist his people who had been caught by hellhounds sent by his evil vampire-witch envious sister, with the purpose of taking down what she doesn’t own.
The princess as naive as she was would have gladly helped the handsome prince if she only could, but her sorrow was gaining in length due to the disappearance of her old friend the rabbit. She would have given anything even her life for that one faithful friend that she had. So she made a deal “Dear prince” She said, “Help me find my way and I will help you find yours.” The prince was annoyed but could only agree and hastened searching for Rabbitty, he scrutinized every little spot he would find, but nothing. Rabbitty has vanished in nature. When the prince has lost all hope and regained the castle to report the bad news, he had found the princess kneeling in tears; he rushed to her side and asked her for what had happened during his absence, the princess, looked at him with joy painted in her face “Rabbitty had came back ! Look!” shrieked the princess “Look out there!” The prince raised up his head and has seen Rabbitty standing beside the chimney. “Excellent!” He shouted with an evil smile “Now we shall proceed to my-“Before he ever could finish his sentence, the prince and the princess were startled to what they were seeing in front of them to the point of wiping their eyes. Rabbitty was changing his form to a human being.
Rabbitty suddenly became a man equipped with a bright armour of steel and a long solid sword. The princess was confused, and couldn’t believe what she was confronted to, she was terrified and couldn’t move an arm. She had so many questions in her mind, and Rabbitty knew that. So with no longer wait, he provided her with answers “I am the man who watches you from far” He said, “The man who protects you form far, and the man who loves you from beyond, your knight and humble servant. I have a special power of taking any appearance I could desire. I was a rabbit in order to be close to my princess and help her as long as I can without disturbing her. I beg your pardon my princess, I have listened to your many secrets, sorrow, and misery and I wanted nothing more than just help you, so I took my way to the dreadful witch that made you tear every night in order to defeat her but I got caught by her sbires but have managed to escape by turning myself into a bird. Unfortunately, I have learned many horrible things. I have heard that she has sent you one of her sbires disguised as a prince with the assignment of ending your life in the woods. And this prince is standing right here beside you, my princess.”
The princess was outraged by all these revelations, but made it all clear in her mind. Now she has understood why that mysterious rabbit has appeared in her darkest moments, and why he was always by her side when she was sobbing every night. It was all clear for her. She believed him immediately and completely, and ran straight to his arms. The knight tightly hugged her, stroked gently her gold hair and whispered in her ear not to worry. Soon a fight has been engaged between the knight and the “prince”, It didn’t last long when the knight has changed his form to a terrifying lion attacking his prey with his horrific teeth, digging them deep into his throat, taking away from him his last breath. At his greatest surprise, the unliving body of the “prince” has turned to the body of the treacherous witch; it was her, from the very beginning. All of this was nothing but her comedy.
Now that the terrific witch has died, the princess has understood her naivety and became more aware and less innocent. The curse has vanished, and the princess has found her fame and kingdom once again. She married her knight, protector and savior Rabbitty and was now no longer a princess but a queen, constantly remembering to herself that what doesn’t kill her makes her stronger.