The UK GOV have recently changed their guidelines for civil servants to abide by at all
UK Job Centres.
I am a Native Brit
and if I quit my job, resign from it etc. then I must wait up to
twenty six (26) weeks to be able to claim the job seekers allowance benefit/ welfare. It was a maximum of twelve (12) weeks (until recently). The UK GOV have moved the goalposts as they are struggling to make ends meet (financially)!
Now this is the discriminatory
As an individual that follows the Islamic Faith (in the UK) they can quit their job, resign etc. (within reason - mainly on religious grounds) and they qualify for job seekers allowance immediately
!!! There is no waiting, no qualifying, no discrimination
etc.! Thank goodness there are whistle blowers within the UK GOV/ civil servant service continually exposing/ leaking this stuff!
The UK is undoubtedly
heading down a very, very dark (and scary) road/ future. It is impossible
to have a country function correctly/ properly/ with ease/ with fluidity/ with a bright
future etc. when there are two (2) seperate rules, laws and legislations for different members of society! History tells us
it leads to pandamonium, chaos, civil unrest, civil war, divisions, hatred, animosity, lack of cohesion, lack of communication etc. etc. etc.! This is yet another
reason/ more evidence that.....?
...... UK GOV are not dumb! They are getting funding from additional
countries from outside of our own borders! We know that Saudi Arabia is already funding our schooling system
! In the UK - St. Georges Day is banned/ not celebrated (in many, many schools). If a child takes an England Flag to school on that day then they are
sent home! Pupils don
t visit churches but they visit a Mosque (twice a year, during school time) and they now feel ashamed to be English, British and are losing their own sense of national identity
! This is one of the very, very good reasons as to why the EU needs to be destroyed/ shattered/ broken up! Thank goodness the Eastern Countries of Europe (including Italy) are pushing back against Totalitarism, Socialism, Communism, Tyranny, Dictatorship etc. etc. etc.!
In the UK - We already have a two-tier
law system which is well underway! We have a Family Law for Native Brits
and a Family Law for Muslims (which is dealt with/ handled by a totally seperate
system)!!! We are now at a point where Muslim men might
already be able to marry multiple Wives (this does occur in the UK, but I am unsure whether or not it is actually legal..... YET
!..... and UK GOV are allowing this change of the laws of the land (not my laws, not your laws, not OUR
laws)..... but the laws of the entire land
to be altered for a select group of people.
Thank goodness we have the insiders and the whistle blowers to expose the bribery, corruption, corporatism
and shameful acts of those that are sending this beautiful country to the dogs!