Is Donny sore? Is he mad, irritated, still holding a grudge from last's years USA's national soccer team elimination from the World Cup? I mean... it is an important event in which the "World's Leader" will not be a part of.
Nah, it goes deeper than that, obviously.
Are those countries problematic? Yes. Are those countries poor AF? Betcha. Do most people probably called those countries similar slurs? HELL YEAH!
As I see it, is... we are private citizens. We respond for our own. Donny? He's not a private citizen anymore and when he spouses his private citizens thoughts while occupying the very meaningful "Leader of the Free World" title, it gets a little ... fucked up.
The USA was the Lighthouse for many broken souls who had to leave everything (or the little they had) behind in order to find refuge, mend itself and become larger than they could have in thwir countries of origin. Yes, including European white countries.
These people left for multiple reasons! But most importantly, they chose to leave any label that were placed upon them behind, to mold themselves into a new one person that only THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE could allow them. Independednt of skin color, or shithole of errr... I mean, nationality, anyone could make it in the USA with enough dedication. This is not a white nation. This is not a christian nation. This is not a diversity nation.
This is an individual's land.
Individualism made AMERICA what it was. In the USA, one makes itself. The country did not make you. The government was out of your way so you could private and voluntarily achieve greatness, or experience failure. And learn from it. And try again. And again. Because America was the land of one, two, millions of chances for those willing to take a hit.
Trump said "shithole" regarding who should the government allow to enter the country. You see the problem. When the state picks who enters and exits, there is no individualism anymore, there is no essence of one soul's sheer will to succeed in life. There is no greatness, there is nothing but collectivism, nativism and protectionism.
And all those things will never, and I mean NEVER be a soil in which the seed of hard work will bear fruits.
Thanks, see ya!
I don't know if it is even worth it to try to answer him...