Back home late / 夜归记

in #share2steem6 years ago

Just reach home an hour ago. Ya. It's Sunday today. And I have been working the whole day. Tired. School holiday started. And I am gonna be even more busier (I know my grammar, purposely put it this way). We are having holiday program specially for the children. We will be discussing about character building, all about emotion, time management and also whole brain development for the children. We will need all the energy to keep it up with all the wonderful children!

Oh... My photos... Yup... My walk back home... Shadow selfie and shadows of my neighborhood. Wish everyone good night from Malaysia! > 是的,一个小时前,我才刚刚放工回到家。是的,今天是星期天。我的星期天在工作中度过。现在是学校假期了,我们也办了假日生活营给小朋友。所以呢我们接下来的一个星期将会更加的忙碌了。 > 嗯,说回我今天分享的照片吧。是我回家的路。影子自拍和家里周围的环境。不多说了。也已深,该睡了。明早要早起呀。晚安了我的朋友。

#share2steem #teammalaysia #cn #cn-malaysia #wednesdaywalk


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holiday program specially for the children is for your daughters or work related?

Work related. But my girls will be joining too. 😀

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