Tonight at @TheSoCap , Assface
In a rare appearance outside of the usual first Monday of the month.. along with openers Reid Along with Browning..
and the usual crew of misfits doing their space fandango alien invasion opera tomfoolery..

Assface July 8th - the NO! Yes! show
July- the NO! yes! show!
Yes, it is July..
No, it is not the first Monday
Assface must be taking the Monday off to levitate to the motherpod
And timewarp to the edge of the multiverse
Checking on their homebrew at the pub at the end of time
And reporting back to the homeworld.
Wait! Whaaaa?
No first Monday of the month? NO!
Yes, you are right, no first Monday.
Yes, no first Monday.
but no worries, they'll teleport back to last week and be ready for the show
yes? NO!
floating in the timeflux
and dipping their toes in the nebula
and grooving with the supernovas
and tipping their bowler hats as they tap dance offstage
Improv comedy that's physical, emotional, surreal, often existential, always hilarious.
Makes you think, makes you feel, makes you laugh your assface off.
Assface is Allan Turner, Christopher L. Hedrick, Meagan McConnell, Ted Ludzik, Darin Joyce, and Rob Bullets Bartlett
and joining us onstage.. Guest'faces Matthew Reid and Russell Batcher
Reid Along With Browning
Monday, July 8th, 2019
Doors: 9:15pm, Show: 9:30pm
And don't forget the Monthly Cabaret - Thursday July 25th
the funfunHappyTime cabaret with host Chae Aitchison
and 'insert-band-name-here players'
but back to this show!
The Social Capital Theatre Upstage 3RD FLOOR
154 Danforth Ave @ Broadview
same great place, same place Floor. The third, our favourite of the top floors.
$10 at the door
TEN DOLLARS! All TEN of 'em!
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and twitter:

Assface Improv