Shadow Government That Runs Illegally To Control The Nation - Just Look Inside! (Proof!) part 21

Shadow Governments Tyranny of Secrecy:

The Shadow Government and specifically the CIA has control over Congress (the only voice of the American people) and it's important because I want you all to see this, because this is how the Shadow Government has control over our elected Government, and control over Congress; manipulating congressional hearings, withholding clearances from Congressmen and Senators, Classifying documents to conceal illegal activity (So you can't even see the documents), and essentially blocking Congress through the States Secret Privilege.  

You can't hold the information that only the CIA can give you and they don't let Congressmen or Senators be able to see the information because the CIA holds the clearances.  

They control the whitehouse.  By blinding the President engaged in an operation that the President wasn't even aware of.  Perhaps sometimes this happens intentionally.  They've manipulated the President, and I can give an example of the information that was withheld from the President that led to the Iraq war.  They also influence the re-election of a President who is working on behalf of their agenda, and their secrecy of power.  They can control a president by saying that they better work within their rules or that they are going to ensure that they won't be re-elected.  In the case of Donald Trump from John Brennan, through Directors, and through acting CIA directors of the Shadow government, they have leaders on and on and on, all the way down the ladder of corporate shadow government.  This is why they've manipulated the news media and the whole Russia-gate, claiming there is collusion within the new presidency and Russia, is because they want to remove him from his presidency.  

They not only try to remove him in this way, but also through the dossier that was created by the Shadow government, who leaked information to John Brennan who then leaked it into the press, as if this was intelligence.  This is absurd!  I've been doing years and years of study about these things, and I've never seen anything like this happen with any other president before Trump.  But, he's a different beast altogether to the Shadow Government because he wants to put this information out so that people can see the collusion for what it really is, and people - as long as they can think for themselves - can see the sequestered information that is allowed to become fettered to you, and for you to know who the real illegal activity players are in this arena.  

Never, have we had a president that said he was going to look into the John F Kennedy assassination; 9-11, among other things... and now that we do -  the deep state knows they are in trouble!  

I've mentioned the F.I.S.A. court before which is a new Judiciary Supreme court, and the States Secret Privilege essentially coercing judges to rubber stamp these cases.  Trump wants the information out, and instead of helping Trump to do his job, what are they doing?  They are using tactical and strategic methods to destroy his reputation, and these are attacks that are organic character assassination methods that the Shadow Government uses to undermine the President and get him to play ball with them.  



Interesting. Have you read “From the Company of Shadows” by Kevin Shipp? Anyone interested in what’s going on in our nation should definitely check out his work!