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RE: CFR Shadow Government and Secret Societies

in #shadowgov6 years ago

Fascinating in depth examination of the purpose, founding, and continuing action of the CFR, and by extension, similar organizations. Thanks from the depths of my heart for this glimpse of the truth!

Well you state that true power is invisible, because the true power to rule ourselves is just that: within us and impossible to see without looking in our hearts. No matter the machinations of the corrupt, the wealth deployed against freedom, or the arms with which we are oppressed, this power remains always within us, and cannot be taken.

Ultimately, we will have freedom, though such day may yet rest far ahead. One truth I understand is that technology ultimately empowers individuals to be free and prosper, and since pointy sticks, fire, and dogs came to our aid, has increased the ability of free people to impart to their posterity a better world and life than they themselves inherited.

Freedom and prosperity, then, necessarily increases generally over time, and the depredations of oppressors will ultimately fail.

Let's hope we meet on that happy day, and enjoy each the good company of our happy friends.


And thank you for such a great reply!
I agree that the oppressors power comes from what humanity collectively is willing to tolerate and that once we retake our power theirs will evaporate. However, if we cannot identify oppressors and how they operate it makes our job much more difficult and it will take time to bring about the freedom we all desire. I'm in for a giant fiesta when that day comes! Thanks for reading and for your positive comments! Cheers