ShadowGate: Exposing Deep State Government Corruption (Video)

in #shadowgate5 years ago (edited)

View it here on 3speak:

The original video that I'd linked here from youtube was taken down.

The producer of this video was arrested in the US today under false pretense by bad actors within the government with ties to the "deep state" within America. US government contractors are being hired by the deep state to include back door functions within software they've created which is then being used to illegally spy on citizens and members of the government to collect information on which can be used as a blackmail or coercion tool. It is unknown how far reaching this illegal spying and data mining goes.. However it has come to light that this is in fact happening right under our noses.

The shadow government is trying to cover their asses.. Don't let them skulk around in the darkness without being brought to light. Fuck the deep state and the military industrial complex!


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Bravo. I want to see this. Yahweh bless and Godspeed to Miss Weaver!

Go check it out. I've downloaded it locally here incase it gets taken down.

Downloaded to watch later. It likely will be wiped from yt soon. The truth scares those in power and they will try to suppress it at all costs. Just like they did Millie.

I grabbed a copy of it too in the case that it is taken down. Smart thinking!

Oh nice!

Update - Help Millie and her Husband

Help Millie and her husband: (if you can't donate anything please share the documentary with everyone you know as this helps immensely)

Millie Weaver and her husband have just been arrested as they were releasing this documentary revealing the TREASON of the Obama administration.

This is not a joke!

The more people who've seen it got it and can testify about it the safer those who have put their lives on the line will be.

Millie Weaver's Channel: Tore Says Channel:


Good information here.

FUcking deep state assholes down in the states I tell ya.. :(

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

2 different parties. Although you could be in both groups.

The deep state refers to elected officials that stay in positions of power long before and long after presidents come and go from office.. Where as the Illuminati is a group of powerful upper class individuals that oversee the goyam and plot shit at the Bilderburg meetings and whatnot.

You could in theory be both deep state and Illuminati.. However it's not nearly as likely as one would think. Far more deep state actors exist than Illuminati.

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

They are two different groups of bad actors.. To say the deep state is the illuminati is short sighted and incorrect.

I take in information and recursively compare it to my view of reality. Nothing more, nothing less. Calling people brainwashed is ironic really and implies that you have zero brainwashing..

The very fact you're adamant that everyone is brainwashed and by doing so inferring you are some sort of enlightened individual that knows exactly what is going on is akin to having delusions of grandeur..

But I digress.

I'm not paid enough to be a psychologist and point out hypocrisy here on HIVE. XD

 5 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

Sharing this and I definitely wanted to check this out so thank you very much and I really appreciate your artistic inclinations hopefully one day you will post more of those!!!!

Blaze it!

Thanks Ganja! Will art more eventually.

Of course!!!!

Very highly compressed informations and details about the Deep State - shadow net and its players...great information is being revealed.
The great awakening is happening!

Yep. Sort of interesting that stuff that was considered "conspiracy theory" before Snowden blew the whistle and info like this starting coming to light.

Certainly disturbing shit.

YouTube is now censoring #ShadowGate

The fuckers, Not surprised honestly! I backed it up locally and will see if I can upload it to 3speak or something here tonight.

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

The earth isn't flat... lmao. If that was the case under zero gravity conditions water droplets would be flat.. but they are spheroid.

With even a small understanding of physics you'd realize that gravity doesn't lend itself to the earth being a flat plane.. But you do you Lasse.

Flat earth society was historically a debate club for debating outlandish things.. But what do I know, right? :P

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

How do you explain the phases of the moon in your model of reality?

 5 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

Lasse you need to learn to objectively debate instead of citing youtube videos as evidence and calling people names.

I can't even take you seriously when you're calling me an illuminati slave given the fact that I don't take any government hand outs nor do I play into their tax farm ideology..

You're doing a lot of projecting and completely devaluing any form of information given to you because it doesn't fit into your model of reality.

Note how I'm not dehumanizing you or being rude? It's because even though I do not agree with how you see the world as a flat plane I'm still able to maintain a level of civility even when you're being a jerk to me.

I'm all for informed civilized debate.. But it seems that isn't what you're looking for.. You're looking to be stand off-ish and to attempt to push your own beliefs onto me and the people who view my posts.. c'mon dude.

 5 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment
 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

I see your propaganda and counter it with logic..

 5 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

I hope you are being paid to post flat earth videos on "conspiracy" posts - otherwise you might actually believe that crap...


lol'd. Thank you for this comment captain.

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment