After reading some of the wonderful, uplifting stories from other casters in this writing competition, I felt overwhelmed with inspiration and decided to dedicate this entire post to tell you all how shadowbot has changed my life.
But whilst many have opted for the obvious in how beautifully SB has changed their crypto investements and future financial freedom, I have decided to focus the pinpoint of my story on the TRULY hidden treasure of shadowbot. A feature shrouded by mystery, controlled by the lucky few already in the know, and just another pathway to true decentralization - or what my american spirit would say, freedom...
The Trollbox (aka LOVEbox)

The troll box comes in many forms and many names. Some notable ones to remember are:
- Deej box
- In Deej we trust
- Deej crypto support group
- Deej Box - give me liberty or give me death!
Like moths to a gigantic UV light, the troll box is to procrastination. The easy access of facebook (soon to be taken over by shadowbook) means your only ever a few clicks away from sinking at least 60 minutes of your time into mindless chinwagging with a billion (rounded up from 98) nationalities across the universe.
I find the best time to access the box is especially when you have lots of important things to do.
But just what makes this feature so special I hear you asking? Well, apart from the incredibly relevant group name changes, theres actually many intellectuals that make up the group...
Over 70% of conversation is from Scott (the dick) talking about his 5am food habits or future presidency/world domination. 20% is based around grown men looking for emotional support when the correction hits the crypto markets, we all bought in at the highs and theres no more corners left to cry in. 8% is very high quality to exceptionally high quality memes. 1% is just the word LOVE and 23% is about how poor our mathematical and percentile skills are.
As you can tell, we are a diverse bunch. No matter what your favourite colour is, you will be happy in the troll box as we plough through every colour theme in the rainbow each month.
On the odd occasion you may actually need some help or support concerning shadowbot, its incredibly likely support commander GC will be asleep since he has a similar sleep pattern to a 1 year old crossed with a bat (fruit not baseball), however, thankfully, the rest of the group will be on hand to tell you he's not currently online and that they can help in no way whatsoever.
After spending close to a total of 6 days in a dream like state; scrolling through at least 2000 replies to a question asked an hour earlier and the rest slating ripple, theres one thing I do know; when I next buy STEEM at $100 and it drops back to $3, the bro's will still be there, supporting and loving.
Kings of the box...
And thats how SB changed my life. Publishers leave your details below!
Current Projects:
rePhoto - A photography based automated service
Shorebreaksessions - A water based wave photography series
Steemithousemix - The first steemit blockchain community house mix project
Shadowbot - A community reward pool effort with constant development and updates
I've never heard anything more accurately described!