A Shadows Journey - Daybreak brings a shadows awakening

in #shad0fx5 years ago

A Shadows Journey - A journey of one man’s struggle with health and himself. This is a journal of my journey to a healthier me.

Part 2

Part 1 can be found here (https://steemit.com/shad0fx/@shad0fx/a-shadows-journey-beginnings)

(Disclaimer - I am not a personal trainer or dietitian. I am simply sharing what I am doing. I am studying my body and changes being made as I try things. Each and every person is different. What works for one person may not work for anyone else. Please consult a trained professional before doing any exercise programs for long periods of time.)

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A Shadows Journey - Daybreak brings a shadows awakening

”The place to improve the world is first in one’s own heart and head and hands, and then work outward from there” - Robert M Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

I am Level 1 - Peasant

Let’s kick things off.
Workout of the day. Inspired by Darebee.com
Morning workout -
Side Leg Raises - 25 reps
Squats - 25 reps
50 punches

Evening Workout
50 punches
Squats - 20 reps
Climbers - 20 reps

(Disclaimer - I am not a personal trainer or dietitian. I am simply sharing what I am doing. I am studying my body and changes being made as I try things. Each and every person is different. What works for one person may not work for anyone else. Please consult a trained professional before doing any exercise programs for long periods of time.)

Each and every day starts off with waking up. Some prefer waking up with coffee in their cup. I know I do. There’s mixed results when researching coffee for health on the internet. I am no expert by any means. I just know what works for me and what I like. I don’t like a lot of spritz in my coffee. Black is great for all occasions. A bit of sugar helps to cut some of the bitterness from overly roasted coffee. Sometimes I can be in the mood for flavored coffee with creamer in it. If it is going to be flavored, I prefer vanilla. I’ll gladly try almost any flavor of coffee out there. I’ve had success using coffee with intermittent fasting. Eating only during a set time frame. Usually I’ll only eat between 12-6. If I get a bit hungry before then I have found that having a cup of black coffee will help to curb that appetite for a bit. When I’m stressed out with life I have been known to drink several cups of coffee throughout the day. I used to turn to sugary drinks like Coke, Pepsi, or Barqs Root Beer. Some days I still struggle with trying to give that up. It’s a difficult thing I have been struggling with for many years. I don’t really know why either. I know soda is bad for me. Yet it’s easier for me to choose to drink it than drink something a bit healthier. When I switched from drinking sugary drinks to coffee I noticed a bit of a change. Especially when I go several weeks without drinking soda. I notice my weight does tend to drop off easier. When I would drink a soda it almost seemed too sweet after these times. Making it a bit easier to choose other drinks. I found myself drinking a lot of coffee in a day at work. Some of it is due to the natural stressors that come with work. It’s the nature of where I am. I also know I’m probably not alone in that. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been cycling out coffee for teas. I still don’t add any added sugars to the tea. Simply drinking it for the flavors. My go-to tea is Vanilla Chai. I have found that drinking that regularly helps to curb my desire for soda. I assume it’s to do with the flavors that remain after drinking it. When I drink black tea, or earl grey tea I find those to not curb the soda habit as much. I’ve tried different kinds of tea. The vanilla chai that i mentioned above comes in different varieties itself. It seems that every tea manufacturer has their own version of it. I haven’t really found a favorite manufacturer of tea yet. I’ve had some good Green Teas, and some so so Green Teas. What kinds of teas or coffee do you like to have?
Well, another day has come upon us on this journey. Today my body feels a bit rough from the workout this morning, and the workout in the evening. My 8-year-old gave me some strange looks today when I was working out. I put on some good music, and just went at it. The soundtrack for today came from the Skyrim and Fallout soundtracks. A playlist I created on my Spotify. Doing the martial arts kind of exercises are kind of fun for me. Darabee.com has a few martial arts-related programs available for beginners. The Fighters Codex is one that I’ve been eyeing for a while. Might be one I’ll pull more inspiration from in future days.
To recap, the Workout of the day Inspired by Darebee.com I am a Level 1 Peasant

Morning workout -
Side Leg Raises - 25 reps
Squats - 25 reps
50 punches

Evening Workout
50 punches
Squats - 20 reps
Climbers - 20 reps

Scripture for today is Luke chapter 2.

Who am I? Well, you've seen a lot of where I am in this post. I'm an aspiring writer. I'm a single dad. Stick with the journey and find out more along the way.