Everything should be legal besides trespassing against another.
Katanas nor guns are a problem, it is the criminals who use them. Why should such an honorable person as I be told what I can and not cut my watermelon with?
Everything should be legal besides trespassing against another.
Katanas nor guns are a problem, it is the criminals who use them. Why should such an honorable person as I be told what I can and not cut my watermelon with?
I guess we're going to have to agree to disagree on that. Half the world can and do live happily without a need to own weapons such as guns. Everyone's somewhere on that mental illness continuum which constantly changes of course. Someone goes nuts, they love their guns and are well trained in using them? No thanks. We'll leave that to Americans, thanks. (They have their vested interest in wanting to sell the things.)
I'd imagine you'd struggle to do as much damage with a katana as you would a firearm and a load of ammo. Sure, you could attack with extra stealth. But the screams of people in agony? Hmmm...
Ok agree to disagree thats fine.
I dont waste time trying to convince. Yet IMO you are very of base to a world of freedom and responsibility. Which is what I live for. So.....
Blessings on your journey~*~