I feel like it would be a great investment, especially with the new Learn series. You could use the earnings from that to pay it off. I'm sure that it'll boost the videos immensely.
Oil paint and charcoal?? Wow! That really fooled me! I thought you used pencils for it! Looking forward to learning about it!
Oh that gives me a great idea! We could do a mini collab of me giving you a photo, which you'll turn to art, which I'll turn to a short story or poetry, then we could iterate from there haha!
@artistchristian still doesn't exist for me. Have you registered it already?
well....I just replied to a different comment about a graphic novel type thing :) sort of the same idea. That being said, why limit ourselves? Yeah, we can def do this collab too, however it will end up looking. :) I look forward to it, it'll have to be after Christmas season, I have a queue of art I have to get done for the holiday....sigh
A queue is always good, dude! Better to have work than to have none, right? The collab will wait :D