ya you're off the hook!! haha. I kind of figured this would be a little bit of an update but not step on your toes if you were working on something
so ya, feel free to skip it. and enjoy the move!
I do wanna get on discord soon! what was your name on there again? I know you said it in a comment but it's a while back at this point lol
My discord is the same as my Steemit name, mellofello. I tried searching for you using “full” but only fulltimegeek was found.
ya fulltimegeek seems like the most famous of the "fulls"
I feel like an 80 year old man, I'm pretty convinced that I'm clueless as to how Discord works.
I'm 'full.measure' on there (with a . not a dash), but I'm not in any server or anything.. I have a few Steemit people as friends on there but I forget how lol.. I can't find you when I search, and someone else couldn't find me before either
my # thing is #9107 if that helps
is there a link to a steemit server or something I should join on there?
Ok, I think I sent you a friend invite. I typed in “full.measure#9107” in the friend request section. I think only after you reply to my friend request will you then be visible in a name search.
Click the top left icon, then select friends, then pending.

it worked!! sick!