nsfw means not save for work and is the usual tag in English speaking countries for content which you should not be seen with at work, e.g. nudes, or very hot pictures, sexual themes in general :)
as tags you set sexy, chicangel-hyeri, sex, women and life (that should explain what I mean with tag :))
maybe you should set the nsfw-tag…
and if "a little money" can bring you here ;). I'd pay you some chocolate at max with it anyways :P.
can you teach it to me@zitrohai , what is nsfw-tag ...
nsfw means not save for work and is the usual tag in English speaking countries for content which you should not be seen with at work, e.g. nudes, or very hot pictures, sexual themes in general :)
as tags you set sexy, chicangel-hyeri, sex, women and life (that should explain what I mean with tag :))
are you a prostitute?
my be @donaldnkengbeza
am gay and even if i was straight ....no thanks