Las Chicas strip club

in #sex7 years ago (edited)

Two billboards above the strip club:
IMG_20180315_173446 one side of Las Chicas Girls strip club billboard.jpg

IMG_20180315_173509 one side of Las Chicas Girls strip club billboard.jpg

The unmarked door with sign saying "ABIERTO" ('OPEN'):
IMG_20180315_173418 door to Las Chicas Girls strip club.jpg

A few days later, after my unsatisfactory time with N, while walking home from a movie around 1 am, I was accosted by a man who invited me to the Las Chicas strip club (Chicas Girls Men's Club at corals.escaping.shrimp) just a few hundred feet away. Being in a good mood after dinner and a movie, I agreed, and he led me there, showed me the entrance, and handed me over to the club staff. There was a 100-peso cover charge; I expected that. I sat down, not too close to the stage since I didn't want to miss anything. Unlike my time at Karlota's, this time I sat alone for quite a while while the dancers performed.

The changing areas for the dancers are not private, but merely off to the side, so it's easy to watch them undress and redress before and after their performances.

The dancers start their routines scantilly dressed and finish nude except for shoes. Sometimes after their performance they showered in public, a least once asking a man from the audience to 'help'. Finally one of the dancers I'd been watching, S, stopped as she walked behind me. We started talking, then she climbed over the seat and sat with me, then asked if I wanted sex. When I said yes, she suggested 2000 pesos; I countered with 1500; she agreed. (I'm curious what their minimum price is.) There were only a few minutes between the time she started talking with me and when we agreed to have sex, unlike at Karlota's, where Veracruz sat with me the whole time she wasn't dancing. In the back room (one of several, furnished like a hotel room), we got undressed. I invited her to share a shower with me. We got in the shower, got wet, started soaping each other up, and then I surprised her by turning off the water. Wet soapy skin has an incredible feel to it that, which all by itself made going there worthwhile. After several minutes of delicious enjoyment, we rinsed and dried off and lay down on the bed. S is young and attractive, with a nice body, and she was cooperative, willing, and enthusiastic about everything I wanted to do. She was about the best sex partner I could have imagined, and yet I still didn't get an erection, nor did I climax, and that disappointed me. But S was wonderful.

When our time was up, she took me back out to the public area, and she got ready for more dancing.

Onstage there were two couples, the men sitting on chairs, women on their laps. One woman was nude and bouncing hard, the other not doing much at all. I think that was the first time I've actually seen other people fucking.

I noticed that some of the women were not very enthusiastic on stage. Their performance was a routine to them, and they were just going through the motions. This became especially apparent to me when two particular music videos started playing on the TV screens. I knew the music, sort of (Rammstein - Amerika, 4 Non Blondes - What's Up), and the videos on the screen attracted my attention better than the nude woman performing on stage.

I'm curious whether the waitresses will have sex, too, and how much they charge. I look forward to finding out.

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