in #sex7 years ago

Following story takes place in a six day period between Tuesday, December 20, 2016 thru Sunday,December 25, 2016 in Detroit, Michigan.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016 as the beautiful indigo sky with sparkling stars in the downtown Detroit finds Carol Reeves closing her boutique shop about 10 that night.

Carol is 28, has a sandy brown complexion, petite breasts, braided hair which compliments her 5 ft. size, her eyes are a inviting brown, along with a slight smile which shows a inner beauty that she possesses. Carol hasn't had sex in 10 years, has lived a rather simple, and innocent life, her last date was in 2008, where her date tried to pressure her into having sex.

As Carol walks down the sidewalk in the frigid air, she sees Kenneth Wilson walking toward her.

Kenneth is 30, has a rather ivory complexion, he is slightly under 6 ft., upper torso is average, but has muscular legs, and seems to be a fast walker, in his whole life has never dated, and is a virgin.

As the two are about to pass each other Kenneth pauses for a moment.

Kenneth says "Wow, you smell so pretty. It's rather a delicate and yet a musk like, or earthy scent, what you wearing?"

Carol looks a little nervous, but realizing it's the time of year where everyone is much more pleasant than other times smiles and says "It's called Velvet Haze, they sent me a sampler at the..."

Kenneth says "At that little boutique I bought the rare music box I bought last year..."

Carol smiles a little saying "That's where I know you from, how'd your mom like it?"

Kenneth turns serious for a moment says "She died before I was able to give it to her."

Carol gently touches his arm says "Oh my God, I'm so sorry."

As they continue walking to the parking lot Kenneth answers her saying "I'm beginning to come to realize that I can't call, or see her anymore. It's just such a long process."

Kenneth gets in his car saying "Bye." to Carol.

Carol sensing the rather sudden body language of Kenneth says "What's wrong."

Kenneth says "It looks like my car just won't start today, I can't get a break, even if I tried..."

Carol seems to be thinking says "How about I drive you home, where you can take care of the paperwork?"

Kenneth sighs and says "Cause I live over a hour away..."

Carol gently says "I can't leave you out here like this, we'll just have to stop go to my place, and figure something out in the morning, okay?"

Kenneth taken back a little says "Aren't you at all nervous, I mean I could be the next Michael Myers, or Zodiac killer?"

Carol laughs a little "If you were, you had ample opportunities to kill me, besides I was raised to help people, now come on, my car is over there."

They walk to a white newer Ford model and get in the car, as Carol starts the car Kenneth seems to be trembling from the cold.

Kenneth says "Thanks for helping out..."

Carol says "I wouldn't want to be left stranded myself..."

Kenneth says "I can't tell you how much I appreciate your kindness..."

As mellow jazz plays Carol notices that Kenneth has gone to sleep, she smiles and pulls into a drive of a very simple, yet well built brick home.

As the two get to the front door a black Doberman rushes the window barking, and showing teeth.

Kenneth says "Oh I see why you aren't so afraid, uh you got uh..."

Carol smiles says "Samson, his name is Samson, and you right, with him walking around protecting me, who'd do me any harm?" as she unlocks and opens the door.

As Carol enters the house and Samson is jumping, running, and playing with Carol, Kenneth slowly steps into the rather tastefully decorated room. A small Christmas tree sits in the corner of the room, the home smells of Christmas with all the spices that seems to be in the air.

Carol comes into the room from letting Samson out and says "I hope your not scared of Samson?'

Kenneth smiles "No, when I was growing up my mother bred Doberman's at one time, in fact we always had 3 at all times."

Carol smiles as they walk in the kitchen, as Carol says "Now let me find us and Samson something to eat."

After Carol fixes Samson's dinner and puts it down, she let's him in from outside.

Samson runs in the house and decides to stand, then sit by Kenneth in the kitchen, as Carol finishes making the sandwiches for her and Kenneth.

Carol looks at them, and says "That's the first time he's ever taken a liking to someone, that fast."

Carol takes Samson and puts him in the utility room, as she sits with Kenneth and they begin eating.

Carol says "What you doing for Christmas?"

Kenneth looks down and says "I never really celebrated it, my family stopped it about 20 years ago, when my older sister died, it hit them pretty bad, and they never fully recovered."

Carol says " So since you were uh like 10 you haven't celebrated Christmas?"

Kenneth nods as Carol touches his arm and says "Well this year neither of us are going to be lonely. You going to spend it with me and Samson."

Kenneth says "I couldn't do that to you."

Carol looks rather depressed for a moment and says "Did you know Christmas is one if not only holiday that has a very high suicide rate?"

Kenneth says 'Hey, isn't that kind of drastic?"

Carol says "When I first out here a few years ago, around this time of the year there was a woman and all she wanted is to talk, well I said I was busy. The next morning she was found dead, suicide."

As Carol wipes a lone tear away says "I promised from that very second never to leave anyone if I can help it, around this time."

Carol rises and puts the dishes in the sink, looks at Kenneth and says "Come on let's go in the living room and get to know each other better."

Two are sitting on the couch as Carol turns on the CD player from a remote and Rotary Connection silent night begins to play.

Carol smiles says "I know it sounds weird, I mean the psychedelic music, give it a chance.."

Kenneth says "That doesn't sound odd at all, remember they had that secret weapon they used to still blow your mind away."

As the singer sings silent night at such a high level it at times her voice sounds like something you've never heard of before.

Carol says "You know people say she could break glass with that voice."

Kenneth says "I even heard that the recordings don't due her justice, she had to be seen live to get the whole effect, something about the studio wasn't strong enough, to handle her voice."

Carol smiled "Okay, where'd you hear of this treasure?"

Kenneth says "A friend of mine years ago let me hear one of her first solo albums, and I was hooked, later I heard she was in the group Rotary Connection."

Carol smiles as she pours some wine for the two as she looks out a door wall.

Carol says "Look at that blizzard out there, at this rate we may get stuck here, until after the first."

Kenneth says panicky "You mean..."

Carol says 'Hey we all nice, warm, and cozy right here."

Carol pauses and takes his hand "Nobody, should have to lonely night after night, and especially not around the holidays."

Kenneth takes a sip of his wine, and begins to feel warm, as the warmth seems to move slowly down his back.

Carol smiles and says "Uh you okay?"

Kenneth says "Oh yeah, it's just I can't imagine being here, with the most beautiful woman drinking wine by a fireplace, talking about what our future holds out for us."

Carol says "Our futucan look so beautiful..."

Kenneth says "I never really gave myself much thought to my future."

Carol says "Look at what time it is?"

Kenneth says "Yeah, it is getting late."

Carol says "For some reason there's something about you that I feel that I can trust you."

Kenneth rises and laughs a little saying "Are you sure it's because Samson would take care of me, if you got hurt."

Carol says pleasantly and yet seriously "No, I just was going to ask if you wanted to take a shower?"

Kyle says "Yeah, my back is really hurting for some reason tonight."

Carol smiles and opens her bedroom door and says "Would you like me to give you a massage?" as she searches for something he can wear. continues "What you sleep in at night?"

Kenneth says as he turns red "Uh nothing, why?"

Carol smiles says "So do I." as she takes his hand and walk into the bathroom.

Carol says as she looks in his eyes "We both been without the love that I know I crave, I mean don't you think we deserve to be loved, wouldn't you want to hold someone close, wouldn't you want to become one with someone whom both are attracted to, to share the most beautiful intimacy with someone?"

Kenneth slowly says "Nobody has ever shared their feelings like that with me, wow of course I would, but..."

Carol says as she holds his hand "Don't worry about that sweetie, we can learn together."

Kenneth sighs a little

Carol says "I'd think we could save water this way. as she begins getting undressed.

Carol is wearing only panties now moves to the toilet as Kyle begins to leave she pulls his hand back toward her.

Carol says "Where you going, I mean don't you want to take a shower?"

Kenneth says "Uh yeah, but if you going to..."

Carol laughs a little "Don't be silly." she lowers her panties before he can react, sits on the toilet to pee. she says "Could you uh turn the shower on?"

Kenneth becomes more comfortable as he turns the shower on.

Carol rises wipes herself and flushes the toilet as Kenneth turns to face her after adjusting the temperature of the shower.

Kenneth faces Carol and the toilet "I have to..."

Carol smiles as she moves next to Kenneth as she begins unbuckling Kenneth's pants.

At seeing Kenneth's now growing erection Carol steps back a little.

Kenneth begins pulling back the foreskin.

Carol smiles and says "Can I do that?"

Kenneth "What..."

Carol tenderly touches the penis, as she pulls the foreskin over the head, and Kenneth begins peeing, when he finishes she gently wipes the penis with toilet paper, and flushes the toilet.

Carol smiles says "You have a beautiful cock."

Kenneth is speechless as he steps aside and Carol takes his hand and both enter the shower.

Carol sees Kenneth smile as he looks at her.

Carol smiles back as she takes his hand and touches her breast.

Kenneth says softly "You're so beautiful."

Carol says as she looks into his eyes "Just as you are." Carol moves in and attempts to kiss Kenneth passionately as her hand gently caresses his penis.

Carol notices Kenneth's nervousness and says as she holds his hand "Just do as I do, baby."

Carol's mouth opens a little as her tongue finds its way into his mouth, following her lead Kenneth sort of awkwardly does the same.

As their tongues seem to be dancing and their eyes shut Carol backs up a little.

Carol smiles says "Oh my God, the way you kiss is so beautiful, the things I feel right now are indescribable.."

Kenneth says "That's a good thing?"

Carol says "Yes, it's the best, the very best."

Carol and Kenneth dry each other off, as they special attention to each others genitals.

In robes walking into the bedroom Carol begins to undress the bed, she looks at Kenneth.

Kenneth says "Uh I can sleep on the couch.."

Carol smiles and takes his hand says "Don't be silly, this bed is big enough for us and Samson."

Kenneth says "You sure?" as Carol is taking her robe off.

Carol says smiles "Uh we just took a shower together, and uh neither of us are wearing a stitch of clothing under these robes." as she takes his robe off.

Kenneth again realizes Carol is right, and sits on the bed.

Carol comes to his side and sits with him on the bed, as Kenneth remains still.

Carol says as she takes his hand "Looks like something's on your mind..."

Kenneth says "Uh this is just a little awkward, I mean I've never been in this situation before."

Carol seems surprised says "You mean, this..."

Kenneth smiles a little says "Yes, does that make a difference, I mean I told you I was..."

Carol says "Hey it's cool, it isn't everyday you meet someone sweet as you are."

Kenneth says "Seriously, I can sleep on the couch.."

Carol says "We aren't going through that again, it'll be nice and warm right here, okay?"

Kenneth walks to the other side of the bed and gets in, as Carol smiles and gets in her side of the bed, she flips the light off and snuggles behind Kenneth with her arms around his stomach.

Kenneth says softly "You make me feel so good."

Carol softly "As you do me, sweetheart, as you do me." as she pulls him closer to her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday December 21, 2016, as the smell of breakfast cooking wakes Kenneth up, he rises puts his robe on and sees Carol in the kitchen.

Carol smiles as she looked at Kenneth and says "Good morning, uh a mechanic I know is working on your car as we speak."

Kenneth smiles and says "How much?"

Carol says "Don't worry about it, it's at a garage right now getting fixed, he's the best." Samson walks out of the utility room and walks to Kenneth to get petted.

Kenneth petting Samson says "I guess that's a good thing, I never looked at it that way, you know life."

Carol says "That's what I mean, there's a positive, and a negative way of looking at things."

Kenneth sits down with Carol as they drink their orange juice.

Carol says "Uh I heard there's going to be a blizzard tonight, we looking at least a ft. of snow by morning, how about we uh stop by and pick up some groceries, and then we can swing by your place so you can pick up some clothes?"

Kenneth says "You mean you talking about coming ..."

Carol smiles says "And why should we spend the holidays alone, like we have countless other times?"

Kenneth smiles says "How come lately I see and understand things more clearly now, then before?"

Carol laughs a little says "Perhaps you having help by a sensible little voice who is guiding you?"

Kenneth says "Yeah, perhaps that's true, I mean I've never had someone help me the way you have."

Carol says "I'm glad, I'm able to help."

Kenneth says as he looks at the snow beginning to fall again "You think we should maybe get a early start on this?"

Carol rises from finishing her orange juice and takes Kenneth's hand and walks into the bedroom.

As Kenneth dressed in the bedroom, and Carol is dressing in the bathroom, she comes out wearing a pair of black dress slacks and a pink silk blouse, she sprays herself with the new cologne.

Kenneth smiles and says "God, you smell so good."

Carol steps to him and gives him a hug and says "I think I'm falling for you, and I do mean falling."

Kenneth and Carol walk out holding hands. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pulling up at Kenneth's house, the two step inside where they see Brandon, Kenneth's cousin sitting on the couch, at seeing them he rises off the couch.

Brandon cutting eyes at Kenneth says "What the fuck is this, Kenneth, so soon after your mother dies, and you start your shit..."

Kenneth says "No, you hold the hell up. Between you and the rest of them, you know as well as I do, that you all didn't care, not one damn one of you cared about her, now I came by to pick up some clothes, and you know your ass better get going, your time is up come January 2."

Kenneth walks into the bedroom to pick up some clothes as Brandon is coldly glaring at Carol.

Brandon says "So you fucking my cousin!"

Carol smiles and walks to him and says "Go fuck yourself, you racist bastard." walks toward the bedroom where Kenneth is at.

Kenneth notices her standing shaking in the doorway says "What's wrong?"

Carol says "That bastard cousin of yours."

Kenneth puts his electric shaver in the bag then closes it, the two walk out of the room, and as they pass Brandon on the couch, Kenneth says "Let me get one thing straight, if you ever look, or talk to my girl again, you won't ever see the light of day again."

Brandon just sits there, as the two walk out into the snowy landscape.

As the two shop at a local market, close to where Carol lives.

Carol says as she loads the basket "You're going to have a feast this year, turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, the whole works. I'm even going to make 2 pies, a sweet potato, and a mince pie."

Kenneth says "You don't...""

Carol smiles says "Aren't you tired of being alone, I mean I know you got the idiot living in the same house, but aren't you the least lonely?"

Kenneth says "Yeah, come to think of it I am.."

Carol says "And I know I've been living like this for at least 9 years, maybe even longer." Carol takes his hand as they continue shopping.

As the snow had nearly doubled, they pull into the drive, and carry the bags in through the backdoor, as Samson in galloping in the large fenced in yard.

As they unpack the groceries, Kenneth walks behind Carol and gives her 2 red roses.

Carol stops and turns around and kisses Kenneth on the lips and says "Now I know I love you."

Kenneth holds Carol at her waists says "I don't know what it is, but I've never felt the way I feel about you before..."

Carol says sweetly "That's called love, sweetheart, love."

Carol hands some cans to Kenneth, as she lets Samson in.

As Samson is eating in the utility room Carol and Kenneth settle back as they eat and watch a Friday the 13th marathon.

Kenneth says "Back in the day, I thought these movies were the best, I mean look at them now, they are so stupid..."

Carol laughs a little says "I admit, watching Jason running around in the woods wearing a hockey mask, that's classic."

Kenneth says "And the funniest thing of all, is nobody can ever kill the son of a bitch, he keeps coming back."

Carol laughs again says "Ain't that the truth."

Kenneth softly says "Changing the subject, but this steak is the best I've had in at least ten years. I usually just go home and pop some frozen dinner in the microwave and that's it..."

Carol smiles says "Same here too, if there's nobody to cook for, then I don't cook, for me it's usually something I pick up on my way to the boutique and that's it, sometimes I think Samson eats better than me."

Kenneth looks at Samson sitting in front of them looking for handouts and says "I see that Samson agrees that you a great cook too."

Carol rolls her eyes and says "Him, oh come on he'd eat anything." as they both rise to take their plates in the kitchen while Samson is at their heels.

Carol and Kenneth begin cleaning the kitchen.

Carol says "That's the one thing, after a meal like this, I get so tired..."

Kenneth takes the dish cloth from her and says "Since you made this magnificent meal, why don't you go take a shower, or lay down, while I take care of the dishes here."

Carol smiles and sweetly kisses Kenneth on the cheek as she walks out the kitchen to take a hot shower.

Kenneth finishes up in the kitchen, walks into the bedroom and sees Carol laying nude on the bed cooling off from the hot shower she came from, he notices beads of water on her unblemished beautiful body.

Carol opens her eyes and sees Kenneth turning around to leave, she rises up.

Carol says "Come and sit here next to me." as she pats the bed next to her.

Kenneth sits next to Carol and smiling she takes his hand and puts it on her bare leg, while looking lovingly into his eyes.

Carol softly says "I haven't been with anyone I love in so long, I just want to, want to become one with you, as you become one with me."

Carol begins to passionately kiss Kenneth as she keeps his hand on her bare leg.

Carol slowly backs up, takes her hands and begins undoing Kenneth's pants as she set's free his erect penis which points straight out in front of her, Carol smiles.