
Control your pollywag, or it will control you!

Or put another way,

Are you a man with a prick, or a prick with a man?

It's the desire that enslaves us and our society as a whole to center all our reality on sex. But it's an addiction, like drug addiction, alcoholism, and other ingrained self-destructive patterns of behavior. It's NOT NORMAL.

I understand the video you posted as saying that all society lusts, burns, craves for sex as is if it were more urgent to have than the air we breath. And those who do not get it are misfits doomed to die; and maybe even deserve to die, for not being sufficiently sexual. (I don't believe that!)

But it's a lie based on the addiction to sex that pervades and penetrates everywhere, through porno and other exposures to sex too early in life before we have a chance to know better. Sex addiction has become the norm, and that is abnormal. It's something being done to us precisely to destroy us. That's why I put the links (in one of the above replies) to articles on Sigmund Freud, long dead though his influence remains with us, addicting us, perverting us and killing us.

Convince yourself that you should not be the slave of your sex impulses and you'll be one first step out of this death trap. Can't do it? Pray to God for a miracle. Many of us need it.

On second thought, I better put the links on Freud here:

I could call your religiosity an addiction as well. An addiction that can also kill and killed plenty of people throughout ages.

Why is sex a lie? You have sex, you get pleasure. In the same way some others pray and get pleasure. We have biological mechanisms that reward some actions. Again, a fact.

I am not saying that sex is the end to everything. All I am saying is that society clearly is unable to escape from it since it defines what it is to be a living breathing organism that reproduces on this earth.

Also please tone it down with the condescension. You are the one with an imaginary friend much like Santa. You have no evidence, no basis. You just accuse others to make your point.

This is very poor way to make an argument.

Sorry. "Religiosity" is an undefined term, so far as I'm concerned. It's so misused and abused that there's no point using it. It makes more sense to talk of sex in terms of toilet training: when/where/with whom should sex be had, and when not.

Sex is intimately connected with life, and life is not a triviality. On earth, I think human life is the highest value. Life and its conduit, sex, are on the same plain in dignity. Lack of respect for the one is lack of respect for the other. Both must be honored.

IT IS NOT PERMISSIBLE TO TREAT SEX AS A FUNCTION OF PLEASURE. What do you think of this: If killing a man gives me pleasure, should I be allowed to murder him?

That, at bottom, is your argument. Show me I'm wrong! Is that how you want to argue? Or am I being "condescending" for asking?


Love, Apollonius.


If it wasn't then your God wouldn't have made it feel so good.

If killing a man gives me pleasure, should I be allowed to murder him?

Well, God did it. Actually in the Bible it explains how some times is justifiable

You have a loooong way to go in regards to debating religion. Before you accuse others of bad deeds check your own magical book first.

Where/when did God kill man for pleasure?

Seriously, are you a Freudian? Your article is Freudian as it interprets everything as sexual. All that exists wants to be screwed, right?

Where/when did God kill man for pleasure?

Wiped the entire planet with a flood, even the innocents because he didn't like how some where behaving in his little creation

Seriously, are you a Freudian? Your article is Freudian as it interprets everything as sexual. All that exists wants to be screwed, right?

No I am not. I just explain things from a biological perspective based on evolutionary theory. I know you don't believe in that either so there is no reason elaborating more about it.

You mean Noah's flood? God is God. That's the answer. If you build a snowman in your yard, you can also demolish it. God is God. God judged his own creation as God, and destroyed it. Not much different from the man who destroys his pottery just because he doesn't like it, and starts again with the mass of clay on his potter's wheel.

I could think of much harder conundrums regarding God's ways. Why did He have whole cities of Refaim killed in the book of Joshua, down to the last woman and child, including all the animals? And that is easy compared to why He had his Son sacrificed on the cross for people that in the future would not even believe in Him? What does He see in YOU or me that He would die tortured for YOU/me? Who would sacrifice a son to save a slave?

Questions like these should be asked.

That's an argument hard to lose. Why don't you try that one?

Forget about complaining about "my God", "my religion". I feel weakness on your part: you're reaching desperately for a straw man with which to cover your rear end.

In your article, you propose a pan-sexualist interpretation of "reality", implying a promiscuous outlook on life. I think that is evil because of the moral and physical damage that this world view brings with it: pleasure is implicitly chosen as a value superior to human life, which leads perforce to mass murder (STDs, abortion, trafficking in human beings and children, trading human organs, the destruction of families and youth, all self-perpetuating as more and more people become addicted to sex, yes, zombies of sex.)

No where does God come into this complaint. The evil of which I accuse this pansexualism and of which you too must be accused is not played out except here on earth. That your Theology or someone else's Theology also condemns pansexualism does not enter this conversation.

So I accuse you of pansexualism/Freudianism, and connect this with the wide spread destruction of human life and happiness on earth. Your reaching out to God makes me feel you're running away from the issue and covering your back with this STRAW MAN of "my God" and "my religion".

Do you think you could stay on theme? You're accused. Defend yourself or change, for the good of humanity, both yours and that of the rest of us.

Forget about complaining about "my God", "my religion". I feel weakness on your part: you're reaching desperately for a straw man with which to cover your rear end.

sais the guy who tries to connect me with Freud with every other line...

I think that is evil because of the moral and physical damage that this world view brings with it: pleasure is implicitly chosen as a value superior to human life, which leads perforce to mass murder (STDs, abortion, trafficking in human beings and children, trading human organs, the destruction of families and youth, all self-perpetuating as more and more people become addicted to sex, yes, zombies of sex.)

now THAT's what i call a strawman...trying to connect your version of ethos (your religion) to a general standard about the entire planet.

So I accuse you of pansexualism/Freudianism, and connect this with the wide spread destruction of human life and happiness on earth.

People on earth have never been happy and more prosperous.

Do you think you could stay on theme? You're accused. Defend yourself or change, for the good of humanity, both yours and that of the rest of us.

My position is the evolutionary theory. There are mountains of evidence.

"Freud" is all but tattooed on your forehead. It doesn't matter that you have not read Freud but absorbed his mindset uncritically from the environment.

Ideas have consequences. Promoting your sexualism, you promote social degradation with it. You know that STDs and the breakdown of the family, not to mention abortions are evil consequences that necessarily follow from what you "preach". You promote evil that leads to genocide, the destruction of a whole society. And that is a serious accusation I send against you.

God is your straw man, alright. Poor God.

Evolutionary theory?! Send me a few links to articles or books telling me what that means.

Evolution (materialistically understood) is dead. It's materialist as Freud was a materialist, so it's no surprise you are so "Freudian" (though not a psychoanalyst).

I wonder if "evolutionary theory" can support any morality at all. If a man is just a complicated life form deriving from (evolving from) pond scum, what's wrong with killing him or abusing him? How can random mutations produce something like a human person that is of absolute moral value, through a purely material process?

It can't. I want to see how any materialist theory can deal with that.

Reflect on this:
Is there any "evil" so evil that you can say that you would never, ever do it? Say, for example, could you say with all sincerity that cutting off an little child's head with a table knife is good? If in your heart, you cannot say for any reason, "that is a good act", then you are bumping into an absolute moral value in your heart/reason.

Now how can material alone, however evolved, account for this strong check within the human spirit? A global evolutionary theory cannot account for absolute moral value!

Yes, let's take a look at your "evolutionary theory"!