Love Story: My First Night with Jack Part 1

in #sex8 years ago (edited)

I was lying in bed listening to the moans of the woman
in the next room.

They were honeymooners, just like me and Jack.
The other couple had arrived at the hotel at the same
time we did.

That night, as i lay in bed nestled close to
Jack, savoring the bittersweet pain of my torn hymen,
I heard the other woman cry out.

First there was the sound of something hard banging
rhythmically against the shared wall, over and over for
several minutes, then a series of muffled noises that
sounded like low moans and gasps, and then I heard
the other young woman's voice cry out "oh oh oh!"

She's just lost her hymen, I thought. Just like
me. I myself cried out, softly, when Jack first
entered me. I wondered if the other
woman had heard my low, gasping sob.

Thankfully, it didn't lasted long. Jack had wormed his
thing up inside me, as my moist vagina secreted an
oily lubricant that eased the way, and then he had
thrust in and out a dozen times and lay still.

He kissed me and said "Now you are a woman." I
snuggled into his arms and whimpered, crying softly,
hot tears spilling down my cheeks. Yes, now
I am a woman, a married woman, and I might have a
baby. It was just like Aunt Matilda had told me how it
would be, when we had our little talk before the

Aunt Matilda had explained that on my wedding night
Jack would take off his clothes and lie naked on me,
and place his babymaker inside me. And then something
would spurt out into me, and it might make a baby and
it might not. And then we would keep trying until a baby was

She had explained to me that it might hurt at first. It
probably would.

And that I would get used to it, and might even come to enjoy
it in time. And eventually (this was the greatest
secret of all) I might feel a great rapture of
ecstasy like...nothing she had ever felt before. But
one had to be patient. It might be years before I
felt it, and even then I might not be sure what it

"Jack will know what to do, dear. All you need do is
lie on your back and spread your legs open, so that he
may enter you. Don't be frightened."

"I won't be frightened, Aunt Matilda," I whispered
in a quavering voice. Though I was.

And then Matilda put on my bonnet and stepped out to
where my carriage was waiting at the curb, the horse
patiently chewing at a bucket of oats, and drove away.

The wedding was a gala affair. My parents spared
no expense. There was champagne at a hurried reception
afterward, and then the wedding party raced to the
train station, where Jack and I, giddy and waving
madly at our friends, boarded the train to San

We had a pleasant trip. The scenic view out the
window was wonderful.

Finally we arrived in San Francisco and made our
way to the hotel.

It was in the hotel lobby that we saw the other
couple. They were young, like us, and
obviously in love. The man was tall and handsome, with
a mustache. The woman was smaller and delicate.

Jack signed his name in the ledger.

A porter took us to our small honeymoon suite on
the third floor and I noticed that 3C, the room the
other couple was to occupy, was right next-door.

Perhaps we might meet the other couple. It would be
nice to have someone to dine with at meals.

We unpacked a little, leaving most of it for the
maid. The little suite had its own bathroom, and I
had a good soak in the tub, knowing that an impatient
Jack must be in a frenzy waiting for me to finish.

After I dried myself off I put on the heavy
nightgown Aunt Matilda had bought for me, and over it
a lacy peignoir. I inspected my hair in the fogged
up mirror. It was a wreck, and it took me some effort to
fix it. A woman only had one wedding night and I had
to look perfect.

Jack rapped impatiently at the door, for the third time
in an hour.

"Coming," I said, and then realized that I was afraid
to open the door. As soon as I felt it, I had to make an effort to be brave and I opened it
and stepped out.

Jack was waiting for me. He took in my costume
appreciatively, with a smile, and gave me a kiss. Not
a deep kiss, like the ones he had started giving me
after we became engaged, that inflamed me down to
the tips of my toes. Just a little peck on the lips.
And then he let himself into the bathroom and shut the

I hung up the peignoir and pulled back the covers and
got into bed. I was wearing nothing but the soft
flannel nightgown, and there was nothing under it, just
as Aunt Matilda had instructed me to do. I could feel the
flannel rubbing the soft tips of my breasts. Jack was
finally going to touch them, in a few minutes, not just
squeeze them through my clothes as I had permitted
him a few blissful times.

I heard voices, and a closet door shutting, and gave
a startled look around the room. Then I realized that
it was coming from the room next door. Evidently the
wall between the two rooms was not too thick!

Was it the other honeymoon couple? I couldn't make
out their words, just the tone of the voices. It
sounded like them, from what I had heard of them in
the lobby. I recognized the man's hearty baritone
laugh and wondered what they might have to laugh about
on their wedding night. It was a solemn occasion,
surely. Wasn't he as scared as I and Jack were? I
could tell Jack was nervous.

Then came an awful thought. If I could hear the
couple in the next room, did that mean that they could
hear us too? In a few minutes Jack and I
were going to make love for the first time. Would they
be able to tell? I blushed deep red at the thought.
Why didn't they have more privacy? Didn't the hotel
know it was our wedding night?

But perhaps that was why the hotel had placed us
together on the same floor. It was the other couple's
honeymoon too, and the man with the mustache would be
doing the same thing to his darling little bride that
Jack would soon be doing to me.

I would not need to blush (well, not very much) when
I see the other woman in the hotel restaurant, or
fear that Jack and I were the object of their
whispers and laughter. We shared the same secret.

At last Jack came out of the bathroom, wearing a robe
over pajamas.

He doused the gaslight on the mantle, and then laid his
robe aside on a chair, in the dark.

Then he slid next to me in the big soft bed.

I had never shared a bed with a man before.

"Darling," he whispered, and then our lips met in a
deep kiss.

To be continued...


Looking forward to the next installment.