Most people believe that pornography is harmless. However, here are some things that a country's sister and the world want for a people / sons to know.
my dear brother,
You have your own smartphone, and can also use a family computer. I know you are better at using these tools than your brother. For you, to find out something is not difficult, you just need to go to Google and find thousands of pages that will tell you what you want. But there are some things that Google can not say; like whether Stephanie really likes you or not, nor can you tell whether you need to try to get into the soccer team or the swim team.
One other thing that Google can not explain to you is about pornography. sisters and the world are aware that in the current information age you may have seen pornography (or at least your friends have shown it). the country's relatives and the world also recognize that no matter how the efforts of your countrymen and the world can not protect you from the internet. No matter how hard you avoid it, you will see it, too.
So instead of pretending that you have never seen it, the country's relatives and the world want to talk to you when you see it.
First of all, let your countrymen and the world explain the reason that pornography is a multi-million dollar business. Many men see it because it gives stimulation and interest. As a teenager you are also interested. Do not feel ashamed about it when you see and like it. It's a normal and humane thing.
Second, do not let that stimulus rule you. That's all falsehood. There's a reason to call / use people in the video as actors because they model it. Sexual activity is not really what you see. Not as loud, wild and severe. And it should not be that way. Pornography is made for men with the intention to display male fantasies. Thus the videos are made to tease the men. But sex is not just for men. That's also for women. And if you measure your sex life with what you see in the video, you will be disappointed that it is not yours. Do not be a man who is only selfish and self-satisfying. Your wife likes sex too if you run it properly and if you focus on it anyway. And if you both enjoy it, it will be better than you look online.
Third, if you like to see what's in the video does not mean you want the same thing in real life. Remember, those who play in the video are the actors. They should look great when playing them, that's what's being sold on the video. Avoid what you watch that only directs you what you and your wife should do. It's just between you or your wife who decided it.
Fourth, pornography can destroy people. sisters and the world know. Millions of men see pornography and not all are immoral. And the country's relatives and the world know most of the men who see pornography are ordinary, productive citizens. Nevertheless, pornography actually destroys people. This creates empty hopes that lead to sexual dissatisfaction, as well as your wife. You will be tempted to leave a close relationship with him or you will be expelled for making your wife unhappy.
sisters and the world are happy to talk to you. And the country's relatives and the world will feel even better if you will ask about anything you ask Google. the country and the world are not perfect, or have answers to all your questions. But the country's relatives and the world are willing to discuss it with you and find the answers together.
Lovingly loving,
brothers of the country and the world
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