Do you know that Having sex at least once a week can help in preventing breast cancer ?
Have More Sex – It May Help Prevent Breast Cancer
Sex – some women love it and some women can go without it. Years of research have demonstrated that people who engage in regular sexual intercourse generally have a longer and healthier life. To be even more specific, it is possible that regular sex may be one of the “therapies” that helps prevent Breast Cancer.
Essential # 3 of The 7 Essentials™ is to Balance Your Energy. Hormone balancing falls under that category. Hormones are powerful chemical messengers that can affect your Immune System, your metabolism, your mood, your mental health and several other body functions.
During sexual intercourse and orgasm, specific “happy” hormones such as Oxytocin and DHEA are released. These hormones may help to keep breasts cancer-free and here is why:
According to one study, women who had sex more than once per month had a lower risk of developing Breast Cancer than those who were less sexually active.
Oxytocin counteracts the effects of the stress hormone cortisol and helps calm your nerves.
Improved sleep is also a side effect of oxytocin being released during orgasm.
Having sexual intercourse at least once per week lessens the frequency of hot flashes in postmenopausal women.
Can you tell my wife it's once a day please? :-)
@cryptogee.............. how am i suppose to tell her sir? Lol