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RE: Is Everything About Sex?

in #sex8 years ago (edited)

OMG, Freud lives! And, I believe, in a reincarnated and higher evolved form in one steemer poster in our midst!

Sigmund Shlomo Freud, inventor/creator of psychoanalysis, also saw the universe and humankind all turning on the one fulcrum of SEX! He could see the bright white belfry of a country church, but not understand its symbolism of purity, of Heaven and of God; he'd understand only a phallus pricking the sky in a fertility rite to pagan gods. Or he could see a pristine lake teeming with life surrounded by immaculate white mountain peaks, and not understand anything but that these innocent things were quivering with desire to get royally laid!

If "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", might not lust be in the...whatever of the lascivious? Now there's a philosophical conundrum for all of us; both the less excitable and continent (more or less) among us, and also those among us endowed with a pyrotechnical libido, always charged and ready to go.

For one not trying to be provocative, our poster has provoked quite well. I can't wait for his next post. But first he would be wise to have a long run and an ice cold shower before all his world catches fire!

For such provocativeness, I've given an upvote.

For those interested, here are some unflattering takes on Freud's psychoanalysis and its occult connections.


But is is revolved about sex. Being condescending about it doesn't change the facts of evolution (which I know you are in denial).

Who really can understand fully fables that turned into religion. Why would one base their entire philosophy around an alleged supreme being that created everything for their pleasure, putting as around so it can be entertained?

The entire world operates on sex. I am stating an observable fact. You are the one posting fables that were written by goat herders 2000 years ago.