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RE: Introducing the "sevendayshitpostchallenge"

hmmm, hmmm and hmmm.

Oh well. I can only read so fast.I guess that I totally missed one million steem from @ned.

The problem with this challenge is that it will probably work.
Posting a shit post vs posting nothing.

Posting nothing lets your followers wander off and you have to start regaining steam, while a shit post may drive off some of your weakest followers (who were probably going to go anyway.)

So, ... i don't know.


@ned didn't pay you? WTF man. I can't believe someone could just tell a barefaced lie like that...

Your comment makes me wonder how many genuine followers I have repelled throughout my periods of laziness(for lack of a more accurate adjective). Ah, fuck it. I don't even care.

I don't know that anyone would bother to unfollow somebody that isn't showing in their feed. Maybe when you start posting again they say "whodafuq is this? unfollow"