The Challenge:
-- 7 black & white images that represent an aspect of your life --
-- Present one image every day for 7 days --
-- No people --
-- No explanation --
-- Nominate someone every day, although anyone can join in --
-- Use the tag #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags --
Thanks for challenging me @mariandavp.
Today I challenge @sthitaprajna to join!
This post concludes my sojourn in the Seven Day Black & White Challenge
Thanks to everyone who stopped by to have a look!
and once again a special thank you to @mariandavp for challenging me!
p.s. today's post is meant to cunningly echo my previous post:
Delusions of Grandeur
over and out
Ok @onceuponatime I accept the challenge and will come back with my own theme of seven day b&w challenge .
Thank you
Your comment spam is getting to be too much. I see you have made this same comment on many other posts today. It adds nothing to the converstion, and it is really nnoying that you have made it as a comment to the top comment. Downvoted.
haha, with the whale, very cool!
I want “George” the whale to come and live with me. So cute. Fab photo.
But would George feel the same way? Unrequited love is such a bitch!
Haha it’s the worst :-)
It might be too over-whale-ming for George to relocate. Enjoy him!
Have you any idea how big a whale's heart is? George's has been broken a couple of times and it takes him years to get over. So I have advised him to be careful, don't rush into anything, and do NOT get over-whale-med by the first pretty face that calls him "cute" and asks him to move in with her.
Poor George. That’s great advice - no girl should ever make him blubber :-)
Never again!
Good to hear. Thanks for the fun chat. Happy holidays to you, and of course, George.
@onceuponatime Love your little whale ;-) I want one too 😓😓😔😔😦😦😟😟
Would you have a whale of a time if you had your very own little whale? Stupid question. For sure you would :-)
@onceuponatime Hell yeah I would 😊😉 Hope I will own a little whale one day 😶Damn I want one 😢😢😢
Thanks a ton for the support 😘😘😘😘😘😘
"Over and out", yeah... I have still 4 days, mmmh... have to think about good shots ;-)
When did mannequins start thinking? You're not going to turn into want of those (censored) robots that they have started advertising, are you?
Ops... I have to check if I have a heart... and a brain :-)
The think the whale is peacefully sleaping because the whale knows the steem is firmly above 3 usd its time to take a nap.
There is illusion in delusion.
And there is confusion in illusion. It's a vicious circle.
love your effort.ohhhhhhhhhh great @onceuponatime your nice click for Seven Day Black & White Challenge, and i say: Whale created "small whale".
Ah hah. You have done very whale to consider my small whale to be whale created.
Hahaha, just love it.
Intreresnaya creative fish. I would call your photo "knitted whale" :)
I think we should just call him "George"
Nice love that whale and your photography awesome
it represent you...
Are you calling me fat?
Nop..!... because you have lot of steem in your stomach...Respect...
Nice last photo for your 7th day challenge.. A whale... does it feel like this now Steem is $3? Thank you for the challenge... I am also happy because I see my dream of going to the US in 2019 with my family coming true... also your support from the start helped me with that...
You're going to the US? I heard that there are monsters there. Be careful.
Really... what kind of monsters? I should ve very carefull with my kids.. they have to see that once.. and Maybe in 2019 the monsters are gone💪
Wow this is amazing! I already accepted your challenge and now I have to wait 5 more days :D
Great photography you made as Day #7!@onceuponatime,
I knew you could rise to the occasion :-)
Still trying to figuring out what should shot tomorrow! After this challenge I will buy a camera or a good camera phone! At the moment I am using one of my good friends camera for this purpose! Not a very good one, but can be managed :D I never thought you will challenge me! Actually it's a honor to me!
Thank you!@onceuponatime,
great black n white challenge the whale is looking cute.
I think that it takes after me ;-)
My Avatar is a Shark, that being said @onceuponatime I do like your Moby Dick.......
I think I should leave my Dick, Moby or otherwise, out of any conversation with a shark!
It's so sad this is the last day of the challenge, I'm definitely going to miss the hidden message you allwhales send with the B&W photos.
All things pass. Sad but true.
I'm sure this is no food on the plate but will have been good have a blue and white challenge

Why not pink? (for the ladies)
Yes, we are boys. Pink are for girls. :-)
Not always! I have worn pink, and...
Diana Ross - Lady Sings The Blues:
Now, haven't heard that lady's song for a long time.
A delightful, original work. What makes this wonderful whale?
Good luck to you and good.
большое спасибо
aneew..its so cute..very cute..a whale????? anyway it is so cute <3
Maybe you are projecting your own cuteness on to it? Probably you are!
How cool is that very cooollllll :D
How cool are you, very cool to say so!
a photo of a fake whale from a true whale!
Real whales come and go. A good fake whale is forever.
damn, that was deep!
Whales run deep. They are like turtles - all the way down :-)
☺☺☺☺ haha ..
Funny snapshot, I want to ask what color is your whale?
Depends on how many drinks he has had.
You've done very whale my dear! :)
I had a whale of a time :-)
Nice picture to end your challenge! cheers @onceuponatime!
Have a wonderful week!
I did remember your previous post the moment I read the title! And btw you are a whale here so that's no delusion. Is that whale made by coiling rope?
P.S. I have always secretly wanted to be born as a blue whale 😉
Yes, I think that the whale is made by coiling rope. It was on the wall of a Korean restaurant that I used to frequent in British Columbia. I just had to get a photo of it when I saw it.
p.s. If your secret wish is strong enough, it will no doubt come true.
Not sure will be one but what happens to dream to be a one in the community ;)
Nice one buddy !
Nice job, so the grand final is you the Whale :) !
Upvoted :D
And he takes his bow as the final curtain come down (and hits him on the head) LOL
Hahah don't give me ideas :D, "mobydick" style novel!
Found your profile through a shared connections seven day challenge. Lovely way to finish yours off :) Really looking forward to following your work! (Followed, of course!)
Dude you made me challenge my self and try to make a wail with terracotta. If it is good it will be my honour to send it to you in real life because you are the one of my top 5 members here and the reason of keep trying and writing :)
Perhaps we will meet at the next Athens meetup?
Will be my honour
B&w pic challenge is very classic , these pics looks very classic.
Black and white was once the only means we had to communicate, photographically.
you are among the most powerful of this family Merry Christmas @onceuponatime
"Black and white was once the only means we had to communicate, photographically"
Wow, you must be REALLY old LOL
Merry Christmas to you too, @mrsfox
@onceuponatime i have tagged in my special post have a look dear friend :)
mery christmas #ouat
did you make this whale decor? I would like to see the color version too! its cute, so I wanna try to make it 😊
No, I didn't make it. It was on the wall of a restaurant that I was in and I just had to get a photo of it.
@onceuponatime Wow this is amazing! black and white photo is so deep, and so cool.
It is? Are you encouraging my delusions?
No way. in contrary, i think you are really talented. And you know @onceuponatime , i like talented people.😉
Darn! I was hoping to be able to get by on my looks alone.
@onceuponatime Do you choose a candy on its cover or on its flavour? 🙄
I try not to eat sugar. Just ask @tikotiko who is always tempting me with her delicious looking recipes full of sugar!
@onceuponatime Ha ha ha ha I can feel you on that temptation 😁 Due to my health condition I am not allowed to eat sugar and believe me it is pure torture as I have a sweet tooth 😁 (afraid of becoming a whale 😂well a little whale considering my hight in a wheelchair 😊)
Put a little sugar in your life guys and smile :-)
I love the whale. This is a fitting picture for me since for the first time in a long time I saw some whales off the coast in Northern California :)
The long heralded "return of the whale" :-)
Awwww, that is actually a really cute whale! I don't understand what the conspiracy is though?
"I don't understand what the conspiracy is though?"
Oh, good! Then it's working! :-)
Lol, dam, I guess that means I will never know since I am not part of the conspiracy!
"over and out"... me too... just finished with this challenge!
Thanks again!
I had a lot of fun!
Big hug from Ticino
This is great....I think it will happen! Upvote from me and followed, hoping to help you make that happen!
Hi @onceuponatime, first of all I want to wish you a merry christmas... I have a question, after months of hard work on steemit I finally can buy some bitshares.. I believe in it.. I guess I received my first 10 from you a time ago. And want to buy another 500. What is the best way to use some of my liquid Steem to buy bitshares.. On my exchange bittrex they don't trade it and do want to avaoid a central exchange as much as possible..
Thank you for your advice..
Thx for your quick answer.. YES I have my first BTS. It was really easy via blocktrades.. And thx to steem I could do this.
Sush nice creative fish :-)
I love it! )
Do you think it would be a good fish to eat? Sushi maybe?
That's what every Steemian want to be...someone rightly said:
Good job @onceuponatime.
Steem On!
Is it reciprocal? Behind every minnow is a whale? - Unknown
Hey @onceuponatime, Yes, it could be that way also and it's good that you changed the name of the author or there could be some copy right issues. ;)
I would definitely join. Black & white background really highlight in deep
Deep definitely really background.
I also posted oin blck and white photo finalle but no one come to my post 😕😕 but u have done amzaing workGood blak ans white picture u named the whale as granduer @onceuponatime
creative creator
it's amazing @onceuponatime
I think that you might be pretty amazing too!
very beautiful black and white whale
I'm glad you like it!
This is really cool :)
You're cool too!
its really wonderfull and a ur a awesome entry in black and white challenge hope this nice and decent photo will win this challenge @onceuponatime
So kind of you :-)
amazing photo.
great motivation
You are too kind!
successful b / b balance my friend. I liked thought and photography. congratulations
Thank you.
black and white photo is so deep and the shadows are so cool
You must be really cool too for noticing.
Thank you.