Happy 2018 Steemians!
Day 5 of my 7 Day Black n White Challenge.
Here is the link to Day 1 https://steemit.com/sevendaybnwchallenge/@micheletrainer/7-day-black-n-white-challenge-day-1-with-love-michele-the-trainer
Here is the link to Day 2 https://steemit.com/sevendaybnwchallenge/@micheletrainer/7-day-black-n-white-challenge-day-2-with-love-michele-the-trainer
Here is the link to Day 3 https://steemit.com/sevendaybnwchallenge/@micheletrainer/7-day-black-n-white-challenge-day-3-with-love-michele-the-trainer
Here is the link to Day 4 https://steemit.com/sevendaybnwchallenge/@micheletrainer/7-day-black-n-white-challenge-day-4-with-love-michele-the-trainer
A BIG thanks to @sgtechservices for nominating me for the 7 Day Black n White Challenge.
Day 1 nominee @annhoyblog
Day 2 nominee @reedracer
Day 3 nominee @mctiller
Day 4 nominee @strangerarray
Day 5 nominee @cristi
Here are the "rules":
• Seven black and white images that represent an aspect of your life.
• Present one image every day for seven days.
• No people.
• No explanation.
• Nominate someone every day, but anyone can join the fun.
• Use the tag - #sevendaybnwchallenge - as one of your five tags.
Thanks Steemians!Visit Michele the Trainer online at http://www.EngineeringWellness.com or http://www.MicheleTheTrainer.com
wow nice click please visit to my blog need your support @syedwaqas
wow nice photgraphy
natural black and white photography outstanding...
great choice place...
Awesome black and white this one looks quite nice :)
this shot is quite interesting to look a nice shot
happy 2018 to you aswell!
happy 2018 to you
good night michelewonderufll and really a good and different entry of ground photo is looking wonderfull @micheletrainer
Good work and look at my work and appreciate us if you liked.
brilliant and good photo and the good combination with blak white effects in this challenge micheletrainer
excellent shot so nice to see this beautiful
michele that was a great shot wonderful photo
its awesome to see this naturally entry in your day 5 of black and white hope you win this challenge
wow exellent participation in B&W contest these peices with these effects looking exellnt and impressive wish you more best in this contest and also all in steemit