Today I nominate @diggerdugg :)
What you need to do...
Seven black and white images that represent an
aspect of your life.
No people - No explanation
Nominate someone every day, but anyone can join the
Use the tag - #sevendaybnwchallenge - as one of
your five tags.
Until next time, thanks for stopping by! I upvote cool comments so go for it, any upvote or resteem is much appreciated! Take care & stay awesome!
yeah the weather is lookin more and more like it
Love the way the shine comes off this "could be anywhere B&W"
Oj. Kul blog. A mas kak chat, rad bi ti nekaj povedal na samem, to je moj drug profil. V pozitivnem smislu
Thanks. Discord ---> @kid4life sam nism neki gor
A lahk prides cez 5 ali 10 min na kratko, se ti bo splacal :)
Link ne dela, me pelje na steemit
Mam ful dobro idejo ampak ne smem tu povedat, a das prosm link ker tist link je za steemit
Really nice to see someone bringing real quality to Steemit.Maybe next time you can do some black and white timelapse photo set?
This amazing photography.I like this
Loved the way of capturing