seven day black and white phot challenge/ @jejakzatin/ #day 2

Hello dear steemian friend
I just want to try seven days black and white photo challenge. Here is my second photo
This a photo of my breakfast hehe

The rules are here below :
Take 7 black & white photos that represent an aspect of your life
Present one image every day for seven days
No people
No explanation
Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in

Now it's my turn to nominate another Steemian to keep this moving forward.
Use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags Today I would like to nominate @strangerarray


I am now thinking that you're probably on a diet 😊

i am trying it but it not work because I love to eat haha

Warm greetings and love :)

We have made a Discord group for newbs who are struggling, which may help you grow faster, click here for further details :)

okay thanks i will see it

pleasure, I will be glad if it helped you :)

Thanks Asad :)

melon looks yummy jejakzatin

With love

harj : ) xoxo
Abstract artist

Yummy and healthy hehe How do you know it was melon? you are right that is melon :)

I love eating just like this!!!