Oh, you can and you should! I've been looking into how I could contribute to their project, so yeah. Check this out tho https://steemit.com/busy/@busy.org/introducing-busy-org-the-bot-that-rewards-your-influence
I've been, well... I've been very tired lately haha! Too much stuff going on, even with shedding some weight from posting on Steemit. I've been checking if you and @fulcanelli have a new post up, and now I see that you have, so I'll check it out now!
Hey! Well, I shall definitely check it. :)
Nice to have stuff going on though! I've actually got a very quiet 24 hours as the family have gone over to visit the grandparents but I've stayed behind to have a well earned rest. :)
Aw yeah, I've just posted a few pics from my time away from Steemit haha!
Yeah, can't complain. I just wish it were money-generating though hahaha! I wish I had the chance to post photos of my time away, but people might get tired of just looking at photos of the wall in my room haha!
Hahahaha! I dunno... walls can be interesting...!!
You just gave me an idea for a post hahaha! That is, if I ever come around to making another post again haha!
Hee hee intriguing...!