Seven Day Black and White Photo Challenge: Day One

I was nominated by @brainnipper to do the B&W photo challenge!

Today I nominate @leftamessage. A very unacknowledged yet brilliant Australian Steemian.

You know the rules, but in case you don't here they are again:

7 black-and-white images that represent an important part of your life

Present a picture every day for 7 days

No people

No explanation

Nominate somebody every day, though
everyone can join!

Use the #sevendaybnwchallenge tag as one of your five tags

And don't forget: HAVE FUN! :^)

All photos are originals by @imjustsaying


Cool shot has a timeless maybe even Wild West vibe to it

Thank you brother. This was from a wildlife preserve I visited a couple months ago. I really liked it. couldn't help but snap a photo, after all I had just gotten a new Nikon p900. I do love photo's, just don't get a bunch of time to get out and take new ones. :) this 7 day bnw challenge is just what I needed to go through the old and maybe snap some new ones. I probably should be writing the next section of my #steemitnovel, but it just comes as it may, don't want to force it lest the fruit be bitter... I'm not entirely sure if that make sense to most people but I have a feeling you will understand that completely. :) thank you so much for your support.

Your easy to support ;)
I did enjoy the 7 day B&W challenge i think I did it two or three times LOL

Yes creativity has to be allowed to come when it is there, i am the same with photo editing some days i can flow and do a few other nights I do a photo or two and the next day realize I should have been doing somehting else LOL

I love your avi :) it stands out
Nice entry, think it has a rustic vibe and the shading around it looks dope

Thanks, yeah I snapped the pic for my avi the same day as this one. Figured a peacock was fitting, a bit cocky at times but when needed can put forth a splendid display of beauty. I was really taken back by him, I think it was the first one I'd seen irl.