The Seven Day B&W Challenge - Day Four / 七天黑白挑戰 - 第四天 / by @deanliu

Thanks to @rea (link), @helene (link) and also myself @deanliu (link) ^_^ for nominating me for the Black & White Photo Challenge!

My entry today:

The rules :

  • Take 7 black & white photos that represent an aspect of your life
  • Present one image every day for seven days
  • No people
  • No explanation
  • Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in
  • Use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags


  • 7張代表你生命一部分的黑白照片
  • 一天發出一張照片
  • 没有人的照片
  • 没有解釋
  • 每天提名一個人但任何人都可参加
  • 其中一個標籤必須用: #sevendaybnwchallenge

I nominate @deanliu. Again. Who else?



Since it's day 4, I would like to criticize this challenge a little bit.

By the act of posting, it should mean that your post have at least some value of sharing. However, the rule says that you cannot explain anything, nor can you use a photo with people inside. And it has to mean something in your life!! So unless I have some photos without any people inside that are so meaningful to my life and can explain themselves simply by presenting them, I either have to settle with those not so meaningful, or I will have to break the rules ...

Am I right?

Today, I go with this one that means something to me, but no one in the world unless you are my family can understand this without me saying anything. So I am not breaking any rules, but meanwhile I provide this analysis to let you know that I did not just choose a random photo.

Even if you break the rules a bit, nobody's going to really hold it against you ;)

I would hold it against myself ;)

indeed others cannot tell alot from the photo. anyway this is a part of your life that good enough.

Can't agree more. Some background story/desription is definately helpful for readers to see more in those pictures. I don't see why it is ruled out -_-

Beautiful photo. I can not make out what kind of object?

looks awesome. the black and white makes it looks like its science fiction

Well. Actually, I am struggling with the same question at all.

maybe we shouldn't obey the rules after all... what the heck!

I'm never any good at challenges, but that doesn't mean I can't be an active admirer. I also love photography but I'm not that great at it....admiring from the sidelines...