The Beer

To kick off my week of compulsory beer drinking, I bring you Naughty Neighbour, which I think is beer click-bait (at least I'm hoping).
I am at a loss to explain why on a shelf of maybe 50 brands, I was drawn to this particular beer -- very mysterious, I must say. I'm open to theories if you have any.

As the can states ...
"Sometimes our neighbours are too enticing to resist!"
"Our award-winning American Pale Ale pays homage to our naughty neighbours to the south."
Whoa! Hang on a minute. Back up the beer cart! Not exactly how I think of the USA. Up to now this had been going so well.
Naughty Neighbour is brewed in Burlington, Ontario by Nickel Brook Brewing Company. Being unfiltered, this beer is a tad cloudy, which I like. 4.9% ethanol is right in my preferred range of 4.5-5%. It's hoppy (IBU of 36 -- nice!) and citrusy (you gotta like citrus) and smells like pine (pine -- wow! my favourite flavour right after spruce, elm, and Douglas fur!).
All the specs look good. "No additives. No Preservatives. Just Science." Oh man, it's a homerun! I love the taste of science!
What could possibly go wrong here?
The Verdict
To be honest, I was hoping for a dud, so I could include a picture of it being poured down the drain, complete with witty comments, snarky remarks, etc. However, I like this beer. It's not bad. Quite hoppy. I might even buy it again.
What are the chances that the click-bait of beer would be drinkable? Go figure.
So, go ahead ... get yourself a Naughty Neighbour.
8.5 out of 10.
- You have to try a new beer every day, for 7 days.
- The beer must be something you have never tasted before.
- You must put a photo of the beer and write a few words about it.
- Nominate someone every day.
- If you are a social outcast with no friends to invite you just join the fun. You have every excuse to drink.
- Use the tag "#sevendaybeerchallenge" as one of your five tags.
Thank You @trumpman for starting this challenge. You da man!
Thank You @churchboy for nominating me. I want to go to your church!
Finally, I want to nominate @ned for this challenge. I highly doubt @ned will ever see this, but hey ... Go Big or Go Home! Maybe if I mention @ned enough times in this post, it will cause alarm bells to sound in @ned's office. Then he will drink beer. @ned @ned @ned @ned
Need more info on Naughty Neighbour? (... who doesn't?) ... it can be found here:
In closing, I just want to say that it's great to be back on Steemit! It has been a long time since I posted anything. The Backyard Games was a hard act to follow. @churchboy gets full credit for waking me from my winter slumber by nominating me for this challenge.
@opaulo ... hic
Thanks for sharing! I am learning about so many new beers from joining this challenge! This one sounds like I would really enjoy, would like to get one when I am up north, and maybe even brew a clone!
I am quite shocked that this one was so good. Usually, these gimmicky beers are not great. A very similar beer is Muskoka Detour (one of my favorites). When you’re up here next, give these a try.
The name itself would have enticed me to try it. Nice summary! Looking forward to your next one haha
This looks alright. I haven't actually been too adventurous with beers. I stick with our lager (kinna stronger at 8%). Thank you for supporting my posts. I've been seeing your upvotes, and haven't really given my thanks. You can read more about our Red Horse in a wiki article linked below. There are phishing links nowadays so I didn't bother with aesthetics and posted the raw URL.
Do not open links from users you do not trust. Do not provide your private keys to any third party websites.WARNING! The comment below by @opaulo leads to a known phishing site that could steal your account.
Looks like steemit has implemented safeguards on that phishing site. Flagged my comment. That's a good thing!
I'm now going to re-repost my comment to @steemitph without the bad URL.
Try to make sure when commenting/warning about a phishing link, to avoid using the url itself. While you didn't include the http or www, some browsers / extensions can make that link clickable, and we want to avoid spreading the infection at all costs.
Preferably use something like badwebsite(dot)com.
Yep. Lesson learned.
I'm a man of few words (usually), but always interested in your posts. Keep it up.
8% amber lager. Now that's a beer! Doesn't look like it's available in Canada, but looks like it's in the US now. I'm going to look for it the next time I'm there.
Ya, I've seen those phishing links. You gotta be careful. I've even seen them disguise what looks like a raw URL -- not hard to do. The latest thing is to send you to an URL that is very similar to "". In fact, I just got flagged for mentioning the URL in my first attempt at this comment -- haha! Then you log in and they've got your password. So many people are going to fall for that. Be careful!
I'm a man of few words (usually), but always interested in your posts. Keep it up.
8% amber lager. Now that's a beer! Doesn't look like it's available in Canada, but looks like it's in the US now. I'm going to look for it the next time I'm there.
Ya, I've seen those phishing links. You gotta be careful. I've even seen them disguise what looks like a raw URL -- not hard to do. The latest thing is to send you to "", which looks exactly like steemit. Then you log in and they've got your password. So many people are going to fall for that.
Updated comment. Looks like they have implemented safeguards on that phishing site. Flagged my comment. That's a good thing!
Way to go. Please @ned join the challenge :)
If you want a dud then grab yourself a can of Steel Reserve