Yeah I don't really get what the name of this beer is. Cloud 9: Wit? Cloud (9) Wit? Cloud Wit (no.9)?
Anyway, Today I bring a Belgian craft which is a 'soft and euphoric Wit brewed with mango and orange peel'. If I don't get a sense of euphoria from this drink it's getting 1 star. Out of a billion.
Ok, so wit is belgian wheat beer. I chose this one mostly because of the 'orange peel' in the name, which sounds kind of disgusting but I assumed I'd be terribly wrong and find out it's actually wonderful.
Looking at the reviews online, it seems to get generally favourable opinions, from 3.5/5 to somewhere over 80%.
Alongside its mediocre reviews and the mediocre label comes the taste... Let's give it a go:

It's...... not very nice. I mean, it's nice. It's mediocre. Who could have predicted it?
The first swig I got an instant orangey flavour but it could have been placebo since the flavour diminished in the next swigs over the aftertastes that followed which were just kinda... mediocre. What do you want from me, I'm not a connoisseur.
To be honest I find it quite surprising that this beer is even being sold in China. It's not bland but it is mediocre, and it's hardly a big brand. I can find close to no information online about it other than this seemingly self-congratulatory summary of its flavours and aromas .
I mean, it is nice, I guess. If you like beer, you'll likely like it, and it's far more interesting than your typical canned lagers in the back of the convenience store fridge, but I did hope to at least find it disgusting.
It should work more to be more memorable. Look at the label of WenShan beer yesterday! As Dr. Frasier Crane once said;
'If less is more, just think about how much more more would be!'.
Something to consider for future entrepreneurs. Just writing the word euphoric on something that isn't euphoric ain't enough. They even used less glue to stick the labels on leaving you with this easy-peel, rippling trash, and they used less of each individual image to save on paper or ink, I dunno. Even the pictures themselves look low quality, unrelated fishing shots taken from the 80's as if to save a few extra pennies:
Euphoric: characterized by or feeling intense excitement and happiness. - FAIL. 1 star
Ok so my next nomination goes to @suesa-random because that's a subtle plug of her comparatively unknown channel. I'm starting to realise 7 days is quite a challenge indeed so I should emphasise to future nominees that breaking the '7 day' part of the rules is totally fine by @trumpman because I said so.
- You have to try a new beer every day, for 7 days
- The beer must be something you have never tasted before
- You must put a photo of the beer and write a few words about it
- Nominate someone every day
- If you are a social outcast with no friends to invite you just join the fun. You have every excuse to drink
- Use the tag "#sevendaybeerchallenge" as one of your five tags.
PS: This could simply be a fake beer from China, the thought occurs to me with every purchase I make, but then why would they fake such a weirdly obscure beer?
"indeed so I should emphasise to future nominees that breaking the '7 day' part of the rules is totally fine by @trumpman because I said so."
'7 day -within a 10 day period- beer challenge' would be more catchy to be fair.
I doubt any self-respecting Belgian beer exporting internationally would be cheap skates on the labelling. Prob fake like you suggested.
You should try the pineapple beer thats 20 cents a can.
It's a big beer store but I can certainly have an in depth look... pineapple is one of my favourite fruits, and 20 cents is one of my favourite prices for things
Who is the guy with the fish and why is his photo on the bottle? Could I order a bottle with some of my holiday snaps? Today I tried the Tsingtao:
I don't have time for the challenge at the moment, but I bought a very promising beer called Black Nizza Motor Øl. I'll let you know, when I find the time to try it and to write a post.
Mobbs. No. I don't drink alcohol. How am I supposed to do this challenge 😂
It wouldn't be a challenge if you were an alcoholic!
Otherwise I see you have two choices: 1: Get a friend to drink on your behalf 2: Continue life as is.
Red or blue pill =P
I'll just pretend I didn't see this post
"If you like beer, you'll likely like it" sounds like a much better slogan :D
You risked your life trying this beer, maybe)))