DLive is trying to build next Twitch in the name of decentralisation
I’ll fucking so them why I got into crypto and empower millions of people’s life positively
Even if I had to become the next PewDiePie and I’ve whatever it takes to become one and take STEEM to Mars
Here's the thing though, DLive is not entirely decentralized, but most people doesn't care about that. Most people doesn't even know what it means or stands for. Add the great layout and easy to understand and easy to learn concept of DLive and you'll have a successful project or at least have a project with great potential.
We have DTube and VIMM.tv. And honestly speaking, with the knowledge about who the "average users" are, one could simple say that DTube is like YouTube with worse user experience. VIMM.tv on the other hand, could've been an awesome replacement for DLive, but STINC seemed to have missed that memo entirely.
I hate DLive for what they did and how they treated STEEM and myself personally. I avoid everything about them as if they were the plague. I also think that the hype will vanish quickly and they will not afford to score fat juicy deals with other big celebrities to keep the hype up.
However, it seems like they actually knew their audience and they capitalized on that. They basically succeeded where STEEM failed, and I blame STEEM for that, even though I hate DLive for what they did.
We can hate DLive for what they did and how they treated STEEM. We can hold grudges against them and we can avoid them. The fact still remains though, STEEM rolled over and let it be when they could've capitalized on the departure of DLive instead. They could've delegated to VIMM.tv when they revoked the DLive delegation. They could've done so many things...
I don't know if nothing happened due to ignorance, poor leadership or something else... But one thing is sure. STINC still haven't fully realized who their audience are.
All this talk about decentralization as the most important part with STEEM, meanwhile they're trying to reach a wider audience and aim for mass adoption. That will never work, because the average user doesn't care about blockchains or decentralization. Most people are here to earn money by sharing the same content they share on other platforms. If we fail to reward the average users, we also fail our mission for mass adoption.
Just my 2 cents.