The world of zombies has become very popular thanks to the incredible work that the creators of The Walking Dead have done creating a world of constant struggle against zombiewalkers and those who want to seize the latest resources present in an apocalyptic world where things never seem to stay calm. However I have always thought that despite the popularity of the series The Walking Dead has always failed a little to explain the initial journey that people had to make to survive and to find the different groups of characters with whom they currently share and have decided to form a family, Fortunately a couple of years ago the creators of the series realized and decided to launch a spin-off series that covered what the main series lacked. Fear the Walking Dead is a series that takes all this business of zombies and presents it to us in a primitive way through a chronology where we see the beginning of all the plague and the world spread that led the world to be totally lost.

As I said in Fear the Walking Dead we see how the zombie apocalypse began, the series goes step by step creating that atmosphere of suspense and tension that quickly implodes and places us in the center of all this zombie propagation that destroys society as we know it today. The series goes little by little giving us clues and showing us subtly placed elements so that we can intuit how the zombies were taking control and making way in a city that never saw it coming, a city that is quickly decimated and is forced to withdraw and isolate itself in search of a false survival that is nothing more than a screen used by the military to control the situation.

The initial plot of the series focuses on a family that has to face all the military and zombie escalation that begins to take control of the city and imprison the survivors in a kind of safe area where something else is happening, a safe area where we will see the development of an absurd plan to try to control the spread of zombies through an explosion that seeks to wipe out most of the infected. Basically the first season lets us see how the world slowly destabilizes, a world where the worst vices of humanity begin to stand out. It is very interesting to see how in the midst of all this scare of zombies the series manages to build social and family dramas that take the protagonism of a survival story that at first is used only as a complement to the plot, a main plot that focuses on the way a family uses to unite and escape from the evil plans of a group of soldiers who just want to make things explode.

The first season of this series is really good because it is established from an accelerated and intense pace where we see the characters running constantly looking for ways to escape and be able to meet their loved ones again. Besides that unlike The Walking Dead here we can see the beginning of everything, something that lets us experience firsthand all the tension, anger and fear that people feel at a fact that makes them change quickly so they can survive, a fact that nobody understands but everyone is determined to overcome quickly creating ties and alliances that allow them to get out of this whole thing alive.

This is generally a very good way to complement one series with another, because it feels like a fundamental part of a universe that begins to develop in a more mature way giving more importance to the characters than to the story. This is an entertaining, dramatic and very intense series where not only the walkers are the protagonists of the bad things that happen.

Season Score: 7,4/10
- Movie URL:
- Critic: AAA