So if you have Netflix you have almost certainly had this show recommended to you in the past week or so. I made a promise that I was going to watch at least a few episodes of everything Netflix suggests and sometimes it is difficult for me to finish the series. Many times i do not finish the series.
So it is basically Groundhog Day but it is dark. Officially listed as a comedy-drama, i don't see it as such. It's not a comedy like laugh out loud but I suppose some of the dialogue could be considered as such. Mostly it is a drama and a very dark one at that.
Nadia (Natasha Lyonne) plays Nadia, a woman who keeps experiencing tragedy that results in her death and then she is resurrected in the bathroom that the series starts in. This happens in the first couple minutes of the show so no, this is not a spoiler.
The place she keeps returning to after she dies is her own birthday party and everything is the same every time, the only thing that is different is her reaction to it.
Now that I think about it this is not exactly the same as Groundhog Day beause Bill Murray doesn't have to die for the day to start again, it just does start again... over and over and over. I'm sure you remember.
Nadia can't figure out what is going on but she has to find clues as to why this is happening over and over again and I suppose it is interesting. For me, it didn't really hold my interest. At one point i wanted to skip a few episodes and just read the short write-up about it online. I didn't do this because I was wondering why everyone is talking about this show and how great it is.
I am going to go ahead and disagree about this show being epic but I will give them this: At least they capped it at 8 episodes and didn't drag it on and on the way some Netflix shows, like The Punisher, tend to.
I wouldn't say to avoid this, because based on the fact that it is getting rave reviews from a lot of people, I am willing to admit that I could be wrong about it. I would suggest you watch the first two episodes and see what you think on your own. It is only a movie's worth of your time after all.
Oh man. I really enjoyed this one. Ended up binging the entire series in one night. The series starts as a fairly dark comedy, but there are some twists that pull this thing into drama in what I felt was a pretty effective way. From there, it becomes a pretty smart commentary about the endless nightmare loop that mental health issues and addiction can put your life in. Unlike Groundhog Day, the series at least seems to have a more solid idea about the effect of what effectively is time travel. Honestly, the twist of the last episode really got to me and genuinely surprised me in a way that shows haven’t in a while. Loved this one, but I really hope they don’t do a second season. Just want this show to stand with the ending they gave it. Loved this.
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there we go. This is why i was hesitant to tell other people to not watch it. I think i am in the minority on this one for sure. I see that most people liked it a lot. For some reason I just didn't so much. I guess I have a very specific interest range and this one just didn't fit the bill. Glad you liked it so much!
Groundhog day but it is dark.
Rating meh.
Wow, that is a pitty. I would be better to create less netflix series, and focus on better quality.
Quality over quantity.
dont take my word for it. Do what I said before. Watch ep's 1 and 2 and make your own opinion. The overall online rating is very high for this one. It is just not my cuppa
I agree. But I have to say, most of the time we have the same rating. :) Will give it a try though.
same as the story plot of the movie____? Thinking of the title right now. Btw, this looks interesting.
I think there is a lot better than him, for example "you"
thank you .