What do the famous Serial Killers all have in common?

You’ve seen their faces, heard their names, few monsters are more feared today than the marauding serial killer. Like a blood splatter from one of their tortured victims they have left an indelible mark on our collective psyche and earned a permanent place in American pop-culture. Serial killers are said to be solitary monsters, driven to kill by their own internal demons. But could the frequently touted “lone-nut” motif be hiding a more frightening prospect? As one begins putting together the pieces behind many of the best known serial killings, a darker picture emerges. The killers themselves frequently had ties to shadowy Illuminati cults and secret government mind-control operations. Could a larger conspiracy have been behind many of America’s best known serial killers?

March 18th, 1976, New Yorkers woke to a city gripped by fear. Morning Newspaper headlines screamed the news.  Horrified residents carried buckets of water to wash the blood from the street, it was all they could do. The previous night two young lovers had been brutally slain in their car.   The homicidal madman that had for the past eight months held New York City under siege had struck again, just one in a string of seemingly random slayings. This time the killer would leave a calling card, a crudely written letter identifying himself as the “Son of Sam”. The killings didn’t stop there. In all, 6 people would be killed and one wounded in what would become one of the most famous serial killer cases in the annals of American crime.  It took NYPD’s finest detectives and a task force of over 150 officers to finally bring an end to the Son of Sam’s reign of terror. 
In August 1977, police surrounded the Yonkers apartment of David Berkowitz who would later confess to the gruesome murders. But Berkowitz did not act alone. Shortly after his arrest, the true nature and motive behind the killings began to surface, with allegations of his membership in a satanic cult. Author Maury Terry reveals in his shocking book “The Ultimate Evil”, that Berkowitz was involved in a notorious satanic group known as a the Process Church. Berkowitz himself confirmed the satanic connection saying “I was a member of an occult group. It was and still is totally blood oriented. The coven’s doctrines are a mixture of satanic practices which included the teachings of Aleister Crowley and Eliphas Levi.”  From there it gets even more disturbing. The murders were actually blood sacrifices; Berkowitz later said in an interview that the cult planned the sacrifices as close as possible to occult holidays, an intriguing admission when viewed in light of the many celebrity deaths and mass casualty events that have occurred on or around these various occult holidays. 
Berkowitz had a few other mysterious connections as well. Scrawled across his walls among satanic graffiti were the unlisted numbers of prominent local doctors, and an exclusive country club near the notorious Mantauk island, where govt. mind control experiments allegedly took place. Mysterious connections indeed for a low-level Yonkers postal worker. Both the satanic Process Church to which Berkowitz belonged and its successor, the “Four P” cult were heavily influenced by the Church of Scientology. Both groups also have ties to the Manson Family. Ultimately investigators into the “Son of Sam” slayings have concluded that Berkowitz was not the mastermind behind the sacrifices but rather a participant and fall guy for a larger satanic cult, likely involving powerful figures. And yet such cults are operating, forming a nefarious underground network that spans cities, suburbs and backwoods towns across America.  

Its every mother’s worst nightmare. On July 27, 1981, 6-year-old Adam Walsh and his mother went to the local mall. She browsed while he played video games. When she returned minutes later to check on him he was nowhere to be found. A search of the mall soon turned into a helicopter and ground search, still no sign of Adam. Sixteen days after he went missing two fisherman found Adam's severed head floating in a canal off the Florida turnpike. Years later, one of America’s most demented serial killers would admit to his murder. 
One look at Ottis O’Toole is enough to send most the other direction. He was illiterate with a haunting presence and mind for only one thing: murder. It should come as little surprise then that he should team up with fellow demented serial killer Henry Lee Lucas. United by their mutual love for death, the two shared a sick bond and set out to wreak death and destruction across the country.  They were called the deadliest duo in U.S history sometimes cannibalizing their victims. The pair were ultimately caught and confessed to a staggering number of murders across the U.S. And while it was later determined much of those confessions were lies, authorities agree the two were prolific killers, both together and alone. 
But homicide wasn’t the only thing this gruesome couple had in common. Both were raised by prostitutes in extremely abusive homes, with all the trappings of ritual abuse Henry was taught to torture and kill animals, Ottis preferred dead bodies. Henry’s mother was a prostitute who offered young Henry to her clients, oftentimes dressed as a girl. Like many other serial killer’s, Henry and Ottis’ childhood likely left them with a highly dissociative & fractured minds. Exactly the type of people the CIA’s mind control programmers look for. 
Henry was introduced by Ottis into a secret satanic order which seemed to have powerful connections. Henry Lee Lucas said some of the murders were targeted hits ordered by a nation-wide satanic cult known as “The Hand of Death”.  Lucas also claimed he was trained by the cult in a mobile paramilitary training camp in the Florida Everglades, leading researchers to speculate the group had links to the intelligence community. Here he was trained in the fine art of killing as well as kidnapping and arson. Skills Lucas would later put to good use as a kidnapper and contract killer for the cult. Henry has explicitly stated that the satanic cult to which he belonged and carried out hits for also counted powerful figures among its ranks including high-level politicians. He also claimed on numerous occasions that he was taken on a private chartered plane to Guyana to deliver the cyanide used in the notorious Jonestown massacre, a tragic event likely orchestrated by the C.I.A. 

Lucas was treated more like a V.I.P than a madman. “Henry is an unusual prisoner”, said Texas Sherrif Jim Boutwell “he’s been given a high security cell and a few amenities.”
Law enforcement took Lucas on tour cleaning up many unsolved homicides from their books, some of which were likely committed by satanic cults. During this time Lucas was flown by private plane. But his special treatment didn’t end there.
In 1998 Henry was set to be executed. His hopes of surviving Texas’ notorious death row had all but evaporated except for the farfetched chance that Texas Governor George W. Bush would grant him a pardon. It seemed unlikely, Bush had so far not done so for any condemned man during his tenure. Lucas had, after all, confessed to savagely raping torturing and murdering hundreds of people. With virtually nothing to lose he threatened to name names of his cult associates saying “before its over we’ll all see who the real criminals are”. But a miraculous thing happened for ole’ Henry. On June 18th just 12 days before he was scheduled to be executed, Governor Bush intervened on his behalf saving him from the death penalty. Could those “high-level politicians” Henry mentioned have been members of the Bush family perhaps? Surely there had to be some reason why a man who had admitted to such brutality would be the only recipient of Bush’s mercy.
Deep in the Louisiana Bayou, where voodoo still reigns supreme, and alligators prowl the swamps, there lived another predator equally menacing and cold blooded. His victims, also mutilated and ultimately consumed.
Former high-level Illuminati sex-slave turned MK-Ultra survivor and official US government Whistle-blower, Cathy O’Brien Identified a man named Wayne Cox as an occult serial killer protected by the United States government. Cox was Cathy’s first husband from an arranged marriage. She lived with him and his mother in the backwoods swamp of Louisiana where she claims she was introduced to their gruesome family business. She said Cox dismembered his victims and sold certain body-parts and organs through the underground cult network to be used in black magic rituals and cannibalism. According to her, Cox’s specialty was a particularly sick trophy, highly sought after in dark occult circles known as “the Hand of Glory”. The Hand of Glory is a severed human hand which has been dried so its fingers can be lit forming a type of macabre candelabra. According to researcher Fritz Sprigmierer, the horrid smell of burning flesh emitted from these grisly candles during a ritual is enough to make some people instantly dissociate.
Perhaps equally disturbing is Cox’s alleged cleanup method. According to Cathy, what parts he could not sell were then fed to the alligators surrounding his trailer.
Her book “Trance-Formation of America” details her years of abuse in the Louisiana bayou saying quote “During the three years I was with Cox, he ritually impregnated and aborted me six times, consuming several of his own offspring and preserving others for sale in his interstate occult body parts business”. Cox was also under a form of trauma-based mind-control with ties to the deep-state. O’brien asserts some of his murders were directly linked to CIA black-budget drug operations which earned Cox and his mother immunity from prosecution, despite what she claims is a vast amount of evidence proving his guilt.
Cathy’s story begs a more troubling question: how many more predatory killers are never identified, allowed to, like the alligator, slip silently back into the murky dregs?

They called him the night-stalker. His face is plastered all over the city at bus-stops shopping malls and TV. For months he has evaded the most skilled L.A. detectives murdering 25 people, over half of them within their own homes. Suddenly a shopper in a local supermarket spots him! He fled, but only to be chased by a mob of vigilantes. The nightmare was finally over. Police announced they had finally arrested Richard Ramirez, also known as The Night Stalker.
Ramirez is perhaps the most widely recognized satanic serial killer, he drew an inverted pentagram on his hand and routinely flashed it in court. A sadistic home invader with a penchant for unlocked windows, his victims were often tortured into swearing to Satan. He was asked to join a satanic cult but supposedly turned it down. Nonetheless, he was granted a rare one-on-one meeting with Church of Satan founder Anton Levay in 1978, 7 years years before his killing spree allegedly began. After his arrest Levay’s daughter, Zeena Levay visited him in prison on behalf of the church. Relaying the church’s blessings and saying they would be praying for him.
For some he was a cult celebrity. Groupies gathered in court hoping to catch his eye Like a lion in a cage his unbridled violence held back only physical restraints. He, for while, even had a cell across from Sean Penn. Legend has it, Madonna, who was married to the actor at the time, tried to arrange a meeting with The Night Stalker. Ramirez lived at and perhaps committed some of his satanic murders at the infamous Cecil Hotel, right off L.A.’s notorious skid row. The Hotel has famously been labeled a magnet for the bizarre and horrific, most notably the strange case of “Elisa Lam”. Could this location be some sort of sacrificial site?
Ramirez had dreams beyond mere serial murder. He had plans to buy a house with a basement and set up a torture room in which his exploits could be filmed for the black market. Throughout his trial he never showed sympathy. To photographers, Ramirez shouted “hail Satan”, after he was sentenced to die he remarked “death always came with the territory. See you in Disney Land”.
Death, panic, chaos. The puppetmasters who run our world seek to keep society in a state of constant fear. We, after all, live the age of terror and nothing creates a traumatized and complaint public like the palpable fear aroused by a psychopathic killer. A neighbor, colleague or anyone for that matter could be the deranged sociopath hiding behind a mask of civility. Serial child abductor and murderer John Wayne Gacey famously performed as a clown, advertising his services for neighborhood birthday parties and children’s events. “A clown can get away with murder” he even remarked. Could some serial killers have been programmed and set loose on society to deliberately traumatize the public and break down societal bonds? In “Programmed to Kill” Conspiracy researcher Dave McGowan writes “Rather than the profile of a lone predator, we find controlled assassins and patsies conditioned and programmed by a variety of intelligence fronts including military entities, psychiatric institutions and satanic cults”. Researchers have drawn striking parallels between the effect of serial killers and that of US psychological operations, particularly those used in Vietnam.
The Phoenix Program was designed to use extreme shock and fear tactics to traumatize the Vietnamese people into compliance. Through project MK-ultra, the intelligence community was learning the effects of trauma on the mind, rendering subjects more suggestible and easily led. These programs then evolved into mass mind-control experiments through deliberately created violence. Phoenix victims were frequently tortured, dismembered, and then posed in a macabre fashion for their fellow villagers and family to discover, much like the victims of many serial killers. Vietnam was quite literally used by the CIA as a psychological operations laboratory the most effective methods being brought home and implemented stateside. As conspiracy researcher Mae Brussell observed in the 70’s “what we are seeing now is the importation of the dreaded Phoenix Program into the United States through various created and manipulated acts of violence”. Theorist point to the explosion of serial killers in America during the 60s and 70s as evidence of such domestic programs.
Many of the crazed, “lone nut” shooters we see today share the tell-tale signs of an MK-ultra assassin. Could these mass shooting incidents have replaced serial killings as the CIA’s preferred method of domestic fear production?

Aleister Crowley, who is revered by dark occultists said “I want blasphemy, murder, rape, revolution, anything bad”. What dissociated cult-killers may still be stalking the fringes of today’s society carrying out Crowleys grim demands? As The “Son of Sam” killer David Berkowitz put it “there are other “sons” out there. God help the world”.



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