Yay now you have registered successfully onto S&S and looking on how to start then this guide is for you.
harvest - If you chose nature than harvest is your best friend. If you are nature you can use harvest every 2 minutes. You have 100 energy at the start each time you use !harvest it consumes 1 energy and give you some dbln. The amount of DBLN increases your with your harvest level. You start at harvest level 1.
You harvested 4 tokens! Your harvest level is 2, and you need 10260 experience to reach the next level. You have 77 energy left.
You can also buyschte to get more DBLN but break chance is too high. After buying scythe you can run harvest command
You successfully bought a copper scythe for 4000 tokens.
You harvested 6 tokens! Your harvest level is 1, and you need 5930 experience to reach the next level. You have 95 energy left.
Hammer - If you are combat then you can buyhammer and use hammer command to get DBLN
!buyhammer iron - Costs 5K
!buyhammer steel - Costs 7.5K
!buyhammer diamond - Costs 15K
You crafted and gained 32 tokens! Your balance is now 1415 tokens. Your blacksmith level is 4, and you need 97060 experience to reach the next level. You have 98 energy left.
cooldowns - Not sure which commands you can use or you want to check how much time has passed and I can run the command once again. Cooldowns is going to be your best friend. At the start you might find harvest and fish if you are nature or combat player. Later on hunt gets unlocked as you level up.
ixposauro's cooldowns:
Fishing: 36m 13s
Harvest: 0m 23s
Mining: NaNm NaNs
Shaman Visit: -49597m -30s
Steal: NaNm NaNs
Hunting: -5m -39s
Scouting: NaNm NaNs
Withdraw: NaNm NaNs
If you find anything in minus it's time to run that command. So currently this user can run !hunt & !visit_shaman commands and after 32 seconds can run !harvest command
(Tip - If you are nature player then once you buy pickaxe you can use !mine command you can again run the !mine command when timer goes less than 5 minutes)
Quest - You can do quest once every 3 hours once you defeat a monster quests drop healing potions that you can use to recover your health.
Your current quest is:
Extinguish the Mischievous Imp
Difficulty: 2
Monster: Imp
heal - Based on potions dropped you can heal yourself.
!heal - gives 25 HP
!heal medium - gives 75 HP
!heal large - gives 175 HP
You can also buypotions
!buypotion small - costs 125 DBLN
!buypotion medium - costs 325 DBLN
!buypotion large - costs 800 DBLN
To use potions
!heal medium
!heal large 2 (you can heal multiple potions together to gain more health)
Note - (After large there are huge and gargantuan potions but not required at lower levels)
Attack - You can either choose quest or skip it and directly use attack to attack enemy monsters and defeat them. You defeat monsters and you get DBLN and you can gain some experience and level up your account. As you level up monsters get tougher and DBLN amount increases.
You attack the :ghost: Orc for 5 :crossed_swords: damage!
The Orc attacks you for 2 damage!
The Orc has 15 HP, 3 and 1 defense remaining!
You have 88 HP remaining!
While attacking if your health goes to 0. You have to buy revive potion or ask a healer (level 25 required to be a healer as job role) to heal you. Ask healer for small heal and it costs 120 tokens
!buypotion revive
has bought 1 revive potion(s) for 1000. (2 revive in inventory)
Use revive you have brought
You have been revived! (50 HP)
Visit shaman - If you are out of tokens and dead. Once a day you can visit shaman and shaman can give you full health.
Under level 20 - 300 health
Under level 100 - 1000 health
Above level 100 - 10000 health
You visited the shaman and were healed back to 300 HP!
(Tip - At lower levels try to chose quest as there is chance of getting potion drops which may help you recover some health and fight monsters. At higher levels quests give you more DBLN and normal attacks give you more experience to level up)
(Note - As you move higher up you can do !upgradeattack and !upgradedefense to defeat monsters quickly. This costs different amount of DBLN. 1st upgrade costs 10k DBLN then it starts from 1024 DBLN. Not necessary at early stages as it's expensive at start if you are free 2 play player)
Mine - Only combat & nature can do mine. At the start your goal from harvest and attack is to collect enough DBLN so you can buy a wood pickaxe for 1K DBLN and can start mining. Mine consumes 4 energy and pickaxes break after certain time so you have to buy another pickaxe. So make sure you have enough DBLN to buy atleast 1 pickaxe.
!buypickaxe wood
You bought a Wood pickaxe for 1000 DBLN. You now have 1 Wood pickaxe(s).
You mined with your Wood pickaxe and found 37 tokens! Your expertise in nature has shortened your mining cooldown to 5 minutes. You have 96 energy left.
Now if you want to mine more tokens from pickaxe you need to upgrade your forge. Upgrading your forge gives you access to higher level pickaxe. After upgrading forge you can buy that higher level pickaxe
You need 30000 DBLN to upgrade your forge. You only have 22043.
Upgrade Forge to Stone Forge level 1 - Costs 10K
Upgrade Forge to Iron Forge level 2 - Costs 30K
Upgrade Forge to Steel Forge level 3 -
Costs 50K
Upgrade Forge to diamond Forge level 4 - Costs 100k
Upgrade Forge to Mithril Forge level 5 - Costs 300K
Upgrade Forge to Unobtainum Forge level 6 - Costs 600K
Upgrade Forge to Medieval Forge level 7 - Costs 3M
(Note - Anytime you want to get a higher level pickaxe you have to upgrade your forge)
Then you can buy higher level pickaxe
!buypickaxe wood - Costs 1K
!buypickaxe stone - Costs 2K
!buypickaxe iron - Costs 3K
!buypickaxe steel - Costs 5K
!buypickaxe diamond - Costs 15K
!buypickaxe mithril - Costs 40K
!buypickaxe unobtanium - Costs 100K
!buypickaxe mediaeval - Costs 750K (break chance is high)
steal - Pillagers can steal DBLN what the combat and nature people are earning. New users are under 15 days of protection they can't be targeted.
!steal @user
Stats - To check your in game progress, your levels, attack, defense, HP, DBLN amount. Very useful to check which healing potions you have got and then use them for healing.
(Tip - Always check your HP with stats command that it is high enough before attacking monsters otherwise you will be dead)
Users stats:
LVL: :star: 1 Serfs
:bar_chart: EXP: 50 / 352
:heart: HP: 61 / 1000
:crossed_swords: ATK: 5
:shield: DEF: 5
:star2: Charisma: 0
:four_leaf_clover: Luck: 0
:runner: Dexterity: 0
:earth_americas: Terra: 0
:lock: Staked Terra: 0
:potable_water: Small HP: 1
:cup_with_straw: Medium HP: 0
:tumbler_glass: Large HP: 0
:beer: HUGE HP: 0
:ambulance: Revive: 0
:money_with_wings: TOKENS: 114 DBLN
:coin: Staked: 0 DBLN
Deposit - If you have registered via hive the command is !deposit (Instant deposit)
If you have registered via wax the command is !wdeposit (Takes 2 minutes)
Follow the instructions and send the amount from your wallet to in-game.
Withdraw - In order to withdraw you need to stake some dbln on your account. Based on staked amount you get a withdrawal limit. New users can't withdraw for 10 days
!stake 2229
You have staked 2229 tokens. They are now locked in The Dragon's Vault. The rewards will start accruing immediately.
Staked tokens take 30 days to unstake and you loose all staking benefits as soon as you unstake.
!withdraw - for hive
How many tokens would you like to withdraw? (There is a 5% fee) It must be in whole numbers. For example: 3000, 5500, 2400. Withdraw to the Hive account brokedbroken
Your current withdrawal limit is 2309.78 tokens, based off your staked token amount.
2300 (You have to enter this manually)
!wwithdraw - for wax
How many tokens would you like to withdraw? (There is a 5% fee) It must be in whole numbers. For example: 3000, 5500, 2400. Withdraw to the Hive account brokedbroken
Your current withdrawal limit is 2309.78 tokens, based off your staked token amount.
2300 (You have to enter this manually)
Note - You can withdraw once every 24 hours
That's the conclusion of this guide. I hope you learned alot.
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You must be killin' it out here!
@tbnfl4sun just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @maxpain00.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District