The more dameged women we have in our society, the more likly we are to have damaged homes thus damaged society. I think that if women will enpower themseleves more through education and skill aquisition, they will be less likely to be violated.
@arinzechukwu, my reflection
So basically your argument is because ladies are less educated that why they are being violated??
Are u saying skills acquistion is means through which women can be less violated..
State the fact and make understand better @arinzechukwu
Don't understand what you meant by ladies need to empower themselves through skill acquistion so that they can be less violated..
What's your argument on this.. Please state with clarity.
As an undergraduate student now, you are less likly to be violated than it is for a secondry school drop out. When one is empowered , she is in a better position to know her right and to demand for it, than one who is dependent on someone . Hope you get my argument?
@arinzechukwu I understand it now. But am not in agreement though.. Thanks for reading through
It's a free world of free dear