Be careful where you sell your Gold in the UK
Getting the right price when you sell Gold, Silver or any type of Precious Metals is imperative. However it must be remembered that most local jewellers and antique dealers often offer below scrap gold and silver prices for a specific reason.
They will try and sell your Gold and Silver as items, but if they fail to do so, by buying them at less than scrap price from a member of the public they are still able to turn a profit by scrapping them in with a recognized Gold Processor
There are several Gold and Precious Metals Processors in the UK who not only buy direct from the General Public, but also from antiques dealers , local jewellers and the trade generally . Companies such as the Birmingham Gold Company , in Birmingham and Hatton Garden Metals in London turn scrap gold into bars for recycling purposes.
the point is that as a mamber of thre Public you can receive a lot more for your Gold, Silver and precious metals if you cut out the middlemen, ie local jewellers and antique dealers and sell direct to the processors
As the Birmingham Gold Company make it clear
"Simply, when you sell gold, silver & platinum to us, you cut out the middleman ie your local jeweller / gold buyer who buys it from you & then sells it to gold companies like us. In the process they often earn up to £4 a gram by just passing it on. If you have 100 grams or more of 9 carat then you have lost up to £400 by simply not coming to see us! It could be double that for 18 carat."
Next time you consider selling your gold or silver to a local jeweller, gold dealer or antique dealer think again
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