Many write about health, supplements or herbs, but do they see these important problems?

health-happy.jpgBig Hello to Everyone!

You are probably dreaming of good shape, vitality, fitness, or even health. Maybe you have some disease to cure?

The doctor did what he could, he gives you medication, but still you feel bad? Supplements, vitamins, herbs and diets are a good way to achieve this. You go to a pharmacy or a herbalist's shop, take your money, often not at all, and hope to get the best quality product.

I suppose you can find many clever blogs, or you have a really good doctor if you were lucky to hit that.
And here comes the stairs .. Imagine that not everyone talks about what you going to read in this article 😊

The advertising of various dietary supplements or medications for cough, flu or hemorrhoids, is the main content of advertising blocks. They make money and television and the companies selling these products. These are hundreds of billions of dollars a year in the world...Did you know that?!
As many of you have noticed, companies producing classic, synthetic drugs have more and more supplements. They all fight for your attention as well as your wallet...😉

Health - you only have one. In my publications I try to present problems and issues that are ignored by others.

Also about natural medicine, supplements, vitamins and herbs. They also have their own faults. And for many it has become simply a business, nothing more. So how to distinguish what helps from what is simply not effective?
Or what might in some cases harm? Or how to catch the bewilders, and who do you think are guided in this uncertain alternative ground?

There are some controversies regarding dietary supplements and their health implications.
There we go!

***Poorly digestible forms of substances in supplements:

You are buying a magnesium preparation containing 100 mg of magnesium carbonate. The trouble is that magnesium carbonate is a form of mineral, which practically does not assimilate (max 10%, 20%). All the rest must be properly reworked and expelled. And this process wastes energy of the body. A similar little absorbed form of magnesium is for example its oxide.The same applies to calcium. In many formulations is calcium carbonate. They do not absorbs well. In addition, inorganic calcium forms are deposited in arteries in the form of calcium plaque. It then causes heart attacks and strokes.
Whether or not the cholesterol, or maybe the calcium plaque causes these incidents.
(I will write on this in next article
-why to much calcium from supplements it is dangerous).

***Composition of supplements from substances that do not fit together:

And again this magnesium and calcium and its supplements.They are antagonists - substances with the opposite effect in the body. Calcium should be taken in the morning and magnesium before bedtime. They are sometimes packed into one cal-mag supplement. In this form, most will not absorb, even if they are highly absorbable forms of these elements. Chelates, lactes, citrates. They will not digest complex compounds in the digestive tract and will simply be excreted.Of course, with the loss of energy for the body. Yes, one tablet with many ingredients is convenient. But do you want to lose money and energy of your body?
The same principle applies to vitamins. Vitamin B1 is a B2 antagonist and vice versa. Vitamin B5 is an antagonist of B6 and vice versa. Same as folic acid and vitamin B12.Meanwhile, pregnant women are advised to consume only folic acid, which is excessively leaking vitamin B12. It is obvious that any multivitamins are a bad idea.

***Too low doses of active substances in supplements:

This is especially true for vitamin supplements. In vitamin B complex we have about 1.5 mg of vitamin B6. This is nothing as the body needs much more.
If you want to support vitamin B6 with magnesium, buy vitamin B6 separately, at a dose of 50 mg. Likewise, vitamin B1 - with a prescription (not in every fortune-telling pharmacy) is 25 mg. Meanwhile, in the b-complex you have much less. Vitamin B12 taken in the form of tablets is very poorly absorbed. Its absorption is max. 1% for the cyano form and max 5% for the methyl form. So you have to either ask for an injection or buy a tablet formulation in high dosage. Meanwhile, manufacturers are packing very small doses there, eg 10 mcg (= micrograms). A good preparation should have 1000 mcg and take it 1 to 3 times a day.

***The unlucky "legend" of vitamin C:

Vitamin C also has a fairly low absorption rate of 20% to 30%. The weight of the advertised supplements is very small. Eg 60 mg or 80 mg. Meanwhile, the dosage of medications is 1000 mg to 4000 mg. There is also a certain scam that WHO - the world health organization. The daily requirement for vitamin C is extremely low - 60 mg. Let's be honest: such a quantity during the dayis produces by mouse organism weighing a few grams...We don't produce vitamin C, but we need to supply it much more than these 60 mg. But without exaggeration and caution in any kidney disease. Vitamin C is also associated with quite interesting business. Some people have launched hysteria with so-called "levorotatory vitamin C". Meanwhile, virtually every drug or supplement contains the levorotatory form of this vitamin. But products with the term "left-handed" or "natural" sell a few or even several times more expensive. And prices are much higher. Just buy a half-kilogram bag of plain L-ascorbic acid! 😉
The sales of basic vitamin C supplements, in the form of sodium ascorbate. It's such a bad idea that I do not even want to comment but well, I'll do it for you 😉 Well digestion in the stomach requires high acidity. The stomach needs to have enough digestive acids and the end. Otherwise, the whole cascade of problems begins. Food digestion is impaired. Their undigested, large particles enter the intestine, puncturing them. From there they enter the blood and tissues, causing inflammatory and autoimmune reactions. Highly alkaline compounds such as sodium ascorbate, for example baking soda (another natural bullshit) impair gastric acidity, causing the problems described above.
In addition, continuous lowering of acidity in the stomach causes gastric ulcer! Only 10% of cases of ulcers result from actual hyperacidity. The remaining 90% is due to too low acidity of the stomach and these cases are poorly treated. This is another mystery and at the same time a misrepresentation of medicine. Like action like alkaline compounds, they have drugs on the stomach IPP - proton pump inhibitors. On important issues that are still overlooked by natural medicine.( I will write on this soon:))


***This controversial vitamin D3:

A separate point I would like to dedicate to vitamin D3. It raises a lot of controversy, which is understandable. The daily requirement set by WHO is also ridiculously low, and is 10 mcg (i.e. 400 IU - that's another measure of this vitamin). This dose will not only cure you, but will not satisfy your daily needs. Unless the baby. Currently, EU standards set the upper limit for vitamin D3 per 100 mcg, or 4000 IU. The truth is that in winter and in the case of diseases such as osteoporosis, you can take higher doses of supplements containing vitamin D3. The top dose is 250 mcg or 10.000 I.U.

Make an experiment - I sincerely encourage you to do it, because its result can really surprise you. In April go to the lab and examine the vitamin D3 content in your blood. Especially if you did not take supplements with this vitamin in the winter, or you took a dose of less than 75 mcg or 3000 IU. The minimum minimum is 40 units, but the medical standard is obviously lower, so not very real. The optimum amount is 50 - 70 units. In case of mental illness, Hashimoto, osteoporosis and others - even 80 to 90 units. According to research conducted in Poland a few years ago, over 90% of Poles in winter have less than even this understated, and therefore medical standard. Critical deficiency is a direct threat to health, is less than 5-10 units.

What should be a good supplement containing vitamin D3? It must be a capsule with vegetable oil, and therefore a gelatin capsule, soft. Otherwise, vitamin D3 will be poorly absorbed. Oil is its priceless carrier, so it is absurd to practice many manufacturers, who packs vitamin D3 into hard, oil-free tablets...
(I will discuss these issues in the following articles. I encourage you to get acquainted. There will be all about why you should take supplements with vitamin D3 and how insecure it
And about Powerful role of vitamin K2 in healing. Without it, vitamin D3 becomes toxic!)

***Herbal extracts and herbs causing problems:

Many pharmaceutical companies are offering diet supplements containing herbs. Or extracts from them. And here are some basic problems. This is related to what I wrote in point three - with too low doses. Well, if you are making a brew from some loose herbs, as a rule, you are guaranteed that there are as many active ingredients as you need. And is the same warranty for tablets? Most unfortunately not. Often they are simply not enough. Eg 50 mg of Brahmi extract in the tablet is nothing much. Often there is no information on what is the extract and on which active substance is standardized. In this Brahmi extract can be eg 5 mg active substance, or 0.005 mg. So the trace amounts. Anyway, even those 5 mg will not help you.
In addition, herbs contain a lot of active ingredients and even more adjuvants that help the first. It is therefore difficult for good quality tablets or capsules with herbal extract. Often, such a pharmaceutical supplement does not contain an extract, but a powdered herb. Then the active fractions may be less than the extracts or they may not be there at all. Therefore, herbs are best bought in large sachets, eg 100 grams loose. This is a high quality raw material.
Even these medicinal herbs in small sachets are inferior quality than those in large.Buy in herbal stores.

***Do you really know what supplements you buy?

And what if these supplements do not contain the amount of active ingredient listed on the package, but only a lot less? Or if they do not contain one of the several substances listed? Another interesting example is the fact that they contain a different form than the one given in the composition. Instead of 100 mg of highly absorbable magnesium chelate, they contain 100 mg of cheap production and practically non-consumable magnesium oxide. Bah! Sometimes even more ridiculous. You buy in a pharmacy cheap as a supplement berry with vitamin D3, produced by a poorly known company .. And it turns out that there is no 50 mcg of this vitaminbas stated on the package. Because she's not there at all! The vitamin D3 content is 0 mcg (say: ZERO micrograms). However, this is not the end of the sins of pharmaceutical companies producing dietary supplements. Because there may be additional substances but undesirable.
And it's not just about post-production waste. In one of the well-known and aggressively advertised supplements for potency, there were certain amounts of Viagra or sidenafil. Of course, this was a small amount compared to the original Viagra prescription, but it is unknown whether some people did not harm it. Why are there such overt pharmaceutical rolls on supplements? By this and not the other construction of the pharmaceutical law and the fact that no one is investigating. And if it is, it's from the big bell. All you need to do is register your vitamin D3 at 50 mcg. And for capsules you only give gelatine coating and sunflower oil - cheap things like a borscht to somehow look like. And you sell in the price of vitamins. Therefore, it is best to buy magnesium in the form of a drug, not a supplement. As for the supplements themselves - choose reputable companies.

***Creation of artificial needs by pharmaceutical companies:

So medicines and supplements for children, animals and some supliers for the elderly. Well, there is capitalism in the neo-liberal version, which is the worst possible. The product must be sold. And best to do as the Sony Corporation, which formed in the 90's Walkman. Or how did Steve Jobs from Apple. So generate a new, non-existent need yet. Who in the 80's thought to have a box with a cassette and listen to music when walking or cycling? Nobody, and technology already existed. Only Sony has come up with the need to create it. So Walkman and his huge success. This is what pharmaceutical companies are doing and it is an action, do not be afraid of the word - criminal. WHO is on the strip of pharmacy gradually lower or upper norms whether it is sugar, or pressure, or cholesterol. In this way more people have to take medicines because they are considered sick.
The image complements the vaccine with toxic preservatives, which also give the pharmacy customers. No, this is not a conspiracy theory. It is capitalism, it is greed, it is the pursuit of corpses to the goal, it is lobbying and influence. It is simply human nature - that is, nature is full of aggression, ignorance, the nature of evil. Same goes for diet supplements now. Recently appeared supplements for children with magnesium. Why, since children generally have very good absorption of nutrients? Or supplements for appetite. The medical portals ridicule the supplements for smoker's cough or other adventitious in the ad. Similarly, animal supplements. Not only do we know what is there, because the norms are very liberal, but it is not known whether it works.


To sum up 🤗 Let's be very careful. I encourage you to broaden your knowledge of health. It is not enough to read one or even 100 articles. It is not enough to buy a supplement with vitamin D3 in a nearby pharmacy. Because in this case, it is good to buy something good and you have to take care also take vitamin K2-MK7.

Be Happy Be Healthy!❤

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Kind regards Aneta


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