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RE: What Is At The Root of Self-Ownership?

in #selfownership8 years ago (edited)

Self-ownership should be a continuation of all other viewpoints on ownership. How we view the ownership of a house or a car needs to be applicable in the same way we own ourselves.

Not contradicting anything that you've written, more like I'm adding to it. Like when you say self-ownership is about being responsible for our actions, the same is true about being responsible for a house or a car. Ownership of any property is accomplished by tracing who is responsible for something.


@aletoledo Well said. I think I understand where you're coming from. You remind me of a debate I conducted with a Christian Distributist. At one point he was arguing the idea of self-ownership. His assertion was that we cannot own ourselves in the same way we own a chair or a car because we are separate from the chair and car. We are not the chair and car. Contrariwise we cannot separate our mind from our body. It's kind of a semantic argument. It's an interesting position to take but it doesn't really alter my understanding of self-ownership. Here's part 2 of the debate in case your interested in hearing it fleshed out. Cheers! :-)